You can't take me anywhere 

Just in case anyone was wondering: The date went well. Really well. He's rather lovely, I'm seeing him again this week: definitely on Friday, and perhaps earlier in the week as well.
So just to recap:
In either October or January I will be kick-starting my dream career by researching into my favourite area of bioethics at one of the top unis in The North
I have amazing and fun friends
It's getting warmer
And I have an awesome new fella in my life
All in all: I am one happy panda

Just in case anyone was wondering: The date went well. Really well. He's rather lovely, I'm seeing him again this week: definitely on Friday, and perhaps earlier in the week as well.
So just to recap:
All in all: I am one happy panda

I remember first friending you and you were always saying how you had the same bf for years and never been single, now you are quite the social butterfly! bwhahahaha