Fuck soccer, play rugby.

That's my pitch to promote the game. New Zealand vs. South Africa. Blowout or Nail Biter? I don't care as long as some good hits are being distributed.
blackeyed mad biggrin
RUGBY all the way!!! Good call on the ceiling fan... the number two enemy of the levatator.
Indeed, rugby.

Not as many of us as you would think. I know Negafox is at South Pole, and there might actually be two others here, purely for the porn aspect. I have gone through all the profiles searching. My guess is, if there are others, they indicated another country to be from. *shrug* I know at one point SG was banned from being viewed down here, at least last season it was. I'm glad they lifted it, otherwise I never would have met you!

I entered the game with 15...and left with 4. I learned a lesson...Lady Luck is a whore.

1 hour of sleep and gambling do not mix.
I've been there too man! That damned whore! mad
My brothers and sisters..I come before you with a sadness that is almost too much for me to bear. It has come to my attention, that some of you have visited a website that sells little effigies made into the image of our Lord Jesus. But are these idols of our Savior to be placed upon mantles in our homes, or in the very least,...
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Holy Shit!
Good call. I am definitely bringing food down with me next year to avoid the continuation of this torture. smile

Wow...I typed in my SGSN on AOL search and it gave my SG profile! I did it on Google too. I also tried other people's SGSN's and they came up as well. Weird...
Indeed, if I could only hibernate!

As to the SG...that is a little more than disturbing in my mind. Eeek. And here I was considering may haps doing a set of pictures.

I have noticed that about the search engines also. I see that you have noticed Dinner has moved on to bigger and better things now. You always knew he was going to be important!
The time for action draws near. I need to get a new com. This one is too old and slow, and not up-to-date with a lot of shit. Plus, I can't use my newly acquired digital camera because it needs win 98 (at least) and this com runs 95. Talk about getting a new toy but not able to play with it. If I get...
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(grin) Indeed, I am not the rice cooking goddess anyway. Rice cooker is much prefered.

Dell as always has great PC deals as well as IBM right now.

The muppet show was so much fun.

Indeed, those are probably the best kind of sugar daddy I could get lured in to! wink

Gather 'round kids, Unkie Buaku gots a story fer ya...

A long time ago, a boy (23) named Buaku lived on a chicken farm in the southwest corner of Iowa. He raised lots of chickens, mostly for eggs and meat. But he also had other birds like ducks, geese and turkeys on the farm. He had one turkey in particular that stood out above the...
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I've got a theory on where Dinner went. I don't know how to send you a picture, so I'll post it in my picture section next to Klaire's penguin. I think you'll know what my theory is from viewing that.
he he he.

Buaku Highway

Contentment Meadows 4
Dumpsville 20
Wealthville 52
Bewilderment Avenue 146
Study Hall 398
Please Drive Carefully

Where are you on the highway of life?
From Go-Quiz.com

Ok, that's as close as I can get it to what it's supposed to look like. I think I'll bypass the first 2 and head for Wealthville.
Not sure what the deal is with cats and rubber? It probably feels good on their teeth or something? I can't imagine that my bike tire tastes very good either! Buy some of that sour apple spray at the pet store. It stops pets from chewing on things (mainly furniture, but I assume it would work for the washer hose). Make sure you reapply it every so often.
Tabasco sauce? That is what I had been told to keep my pot bellied pig from eating things...of course unless your cat enjoys spicy food. Eww...nasty kitty farts. Never mind.

I would like to wish my little brother a Happy Honorable Discharge from the Army Reserves. He served 7 active years as a medic, but never went to combat, which we're all thankful. Now he can spend all of his weekends with his little girl.

I went site surfing and found some old favorites. If you like manga art or comic drawing, I highly recommend...
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I managed to get a replacement hose for the one damaged by Cloud from my Apt. manager. It's a good thing he did this while I was at home and not at work. However, this is the second time he's done this, and there is no place for a serial hose-nibbler here. What is it with cats and rubber? Do they get a high off...
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Hmmm, maybe you could wrap the hose in aluminum foil or stick it in some PVC for protection? Might keep it from happening again...

The All Blacks rule!!! Haven't caught a game yet though I've been to a Canterbury game and an Auckland - Otago game. We go through New Zealand on the way to and from the ice, and on the way out we can stay as long as our little hearts desire biggrin (or until our visitors permit runs out wink )

And the Twinkies weren't frozen, BTW, just old and dehydrated. We have 0% humidity here and things dry out quickly. We had to steam the Twinkies just so that we could get them pliable enough to squish and fit into the cannon... Yikes! Haven't seen any hostess cupcakes tho, but if I do, I'll save ya one.

Let me know how the game goes!

Um...as to Cloud and rubber....kitty Hanibal Lecter mask.

We interrupt this journal with some breaking news...the hot water line to the clothes washer has been severed and is spewing water all over the bathroom floor in Buaku's Apartment. Around 10:25 PM, Buaku heard a hissing sound coming from the bathroom and went to investigate. Upon arriving, he found water on the floor coming from under the washer. After finding which water line was...
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I look forward to the updates! A cat sabotaged my Mountain Bike tire last year... lots of little bite marks.
Cloud is up to no good. He better behave, hot water and kitties are not fun...
