I got the printer and scanner hooked up. Tomorrow, I'll try to get the camera software installed and test it out. Scanned a bunch of pics from Barrow. So many pics, so little time. Oh, and Cloud is in there too.
(laughter) I cannot wait to see pictures of the kitty! hatchetprincess will be back from boot camp in the next few days, by the by.

I am so glad you are back up and running.

I'm so glad you are back! I missed you terribly!

And yes my foot does start thumping when you rub mah belly!

The box of Honeycomb is like a feed bag strapped to my face...the relish is like an orgy in a bottle, and I cannot stop...he he he. Does that give you a hint? wink Who says over indulgence is a bad thing?!

Talks between me and this com have broken down. This is probably the last entry I'll make into this journal until I get my new com.

For good news, last night was poker night. I did pretty good in the first tournament and won $4. Then I won the whole Hold 'Em tournament and came away with $20. Yeah, it's not much, but every journey...
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Congrats on the win! Woo hoo! You better get a new com soon! smile

Hey, first I go away and now you? Congrats on the Hold 'Em win. I love that freaking game. I'm going to Vegas a couple of times in Sept and will be playing it at Binions and the Stardust. Good luck with the new com!
It's comin down to the wire. The com had to run a 30 hour scandisk check and then gave me an ultimatum: Harddrive failure could be imminent. Or something like that. New computer should be on it's way soon.

Favorite strip of 'It's Walky!' by David Willis
Wow, that puts a twist on your relationship with your machine. Most anti-social. I say unplug it and let it think about it for a time. smile

I need motivation. I'm not getting things done, and some of these things are minor stuff like housework. I don't know why, but I just don't feel like doing anything. Pa always had a sure-fire way to get us kids motivated, but since he ain't here, I need to rely on the help of others. Friends, enemies, and complete strangers off the street...you can help...
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I would only kick you in the ass if you were sitting on a little blue tray next to me on a ice hill, and needed a good start. smile

The hissing roaches are indeed very interesting however, I would not choose something to reside with me that is more vocal than myself, or the dog. smile

Well, I am always plotting, but this time it is more to get my pickle relish than anything! wink

When I was in college, I had a job on campus cleaning the cafeteria and kitchen after dinner. Usually I worked alone and at the end, would lock the place up for the night. One night before the manager left, he asked me if I could clean the area where the CO2 bottles where stored. The bottles were in racks across from the huge dishwasher...
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So very true, and indeed, I did get airborne a few times. Being this tiny does offer me a limited freedom of flight. smile

Ewww. Roaches. I like them, in the survivalist aspect, but they definitely make me shudder, not from disgust, but from sheer numbers. I have seen floors move like waves from all the brown bodies before, and that is one of the reasons I think I like being here so much. None of that. smile

smile smile
smile smile
smile smile
wink blush
biggrin love
kisskiss ARRR!!!
eeek winkARRR!!!
mad kissARRR!!!
mad loveARRR!!!
madARRR!!! shocked
blackeyedARRR!!! love
blackeyed tongueARRR!!!
frown loveARRR!!!

I'm bored...

My buddy is heading to Dehli actually. He was talking to me as he was getting ready to leave. smile Good to be thought of from time to time.

Indeed, mother nature does come and remind us.

I have now powered up to GS-07. $4000 will be tacked onto my salary and I have one year of career conditional left. Unfortunately, I'm still at the bottom end of the food chain, so I have to be good little boy until this time next year. After that, they can't get rid of me unless I kill someone or cause major property damage. I'll...
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It makes you one of the best rides around!

I am so glad you stopped by. I was thinking about you yesterday and thought I should really drop you a line to say hello, and to make sure you are still out there.

Congrats on the GS-07! Sweet as!

I have finally beaten Suikoden III. I have seen all 4 possible endings. Now...I can rest in peace. What? Suikoden IV is out in November? ::sigh:: I guess I'll have to live for another year...
smile Indeed, the satelite has been better. Hopefully this will be the last traverse out there to keep her up.

I do like fire arms and any thing I can blow shit up with actually. wink

The Manga group has arrived!!! Thanks to the SG powers that be for allowing me to create this group smile

You can go there from here!
Amish in the City on UPN. Amish in the City.

::goes to window and looks out::

..Ok, there's War...Famine...Oh, there's Pestilence. All we need is one more Horseman...what's his name?
My cat is pretty, but he's dumber than grass. I told the story about him chewing on the water hose to the washer and biting a hole into it. Good thing I was home to prevent a major flood from occuring in my bathroom. He also likes to chew on electrical cords. Almost every cord in my apartment has bite marks on them, which makes...
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That is hilarious! I say go with the Jeff Foxworthy method. Don't try to lick the outlet to see how it tastes, like you did with the rubber hose.

My one friends' cat peed on an electrical outlet and it shocked shot sparks out at him. The cat then proceeded to shit in the middle of his living room floor.
Well, I'm not the kind to kiss and tell,
But I've been seen with Farrah.
I'm never seen with anything less than a nine, so fine.

I've been on fire with Sally Field,
Gone fast with a girl named Bo,
But somehow they just don't end up as mine.

It's a death defyin' life I lead,
I take my chances.
I die for a livin'...
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(laughter) Mothballs?! Ewwwww! Icky bad touch.

Warm weather in the summer. You know, people never fail to amaze me. wink
