The Autumn Equinox will occur tomorrow (9/22/04) at 1230 PM Eastern (930 AM Pacific). Happy Autumnal Equinox to all you uh... Pagans, I guess... out there. To everyone else, have a nice day.
I doubt it. The way they work here is always at the last minute. But the director seems to be putting things in place for actually making a choice. Which would be nice. I'm also jumping into the political arena a bit and getting my name known. Yeah, I hate it, but it is the way this company is really.
Ten hour workdays are bad...Eleven hour days suck...
The little test I did Wednesday didn't go well. The message I sent over the airwaves was so distorted that people couldn't understand it. The other people in the office thought it was funny...Media and Emergency Management did not.
When I got home Wednesday night, I dug the deepest hole that I could and crawled in.
Busy, busy, busy. Work has been interesting the last few days. Today, I get to interrupt all TV and radio broadcasts for a special announcement in the morning. Even though I get to pre-record the announcement, I'm still a little nervous. I hate hearing my voice on the radio, and it will be heard by a couple million people instead of barely 5,000.
(laughter) Indeed, there is a difference. At least in my world. I am notorious for my "exotic" likes regarding sex. While it causes me no frustration, it has a tendency to freak out the opposite sex, after they assure me nothing will phase them. And that is the part that I usually shrug at, and say I told you so.
Indeed, if Neel ever gets to my murky depths, the things that really lie within, I suspect he would run, well and truly. I am not to be taken lightly. In this case, appearances are most deceving.
Here comes Bobo!!! You should start buying Monkey decor and putting it all over your work area... Maybe a monkey stuffed animal and then you could pet it and ask it for advice in front of the boss.
I think our concerts are going to be sponsered by Miller (Ever see the Miller Concert Series?), although we will sell A-B products and hard shit, of course. The only thing that kind of sucks is that we do not have a wine license as of right now... but who really drinks wine at music clubs? Eventually we will have one.
I like to think of myself as a patient individual. I try to avoid being in a rushed situation and I don't view every second of my life as being so precious that I have get something done or accomplished. I like to slow down and appreciate the world in it's beauty. Watch the clouds float in the sky...the wind rustling through the trees...birds Read More
That explains it! I have been hitting the wrong heads! Doh! That really is why I need the flame thrower....
Oh yes. Interrogations. I had taken a class in that once....they called it Marriage is an Institution, 101.
Yeah, I was glad the Godzilla worked too. Poor thing was frantic when he fell on the computer. It took him a while to understand I was not pissed, nor did I care as long as he was not hurt so he would be unable to put out for the rest of the season. I will get it looked at, they will fix it, and it will be fine eventually.
Family gatherings can be interesting. People wonder where my vindictive and thug like tendencies come from. All from my mother. She is the one who advised that I should hire a hitman (I used to hang with the wrong crowd) to take out a co-worker that was stalking me, and for good measure the boss that would not fire him. People laugh at that, but my mother was dead serious. Given the chance, she would have done the job herself....eeek! I come by it honestly.
*laughter* Indeed, my goal in life is to eventually write my biography, and hopefully get a book to go under every section in the bookstore. Fiction, Romance, Travel, True Crime.....
Indeed, who needs Disneyland when you can see, Winnie takes a Poo??
More animals in the pic section. Playing around with the scanner. Not much else going on except work. I'm actually being a productive member of the weather team for once. How about that?
How are you holding up love?