A-ha... a hot worker bee... trouble in the hive for Buaku? You really should write a book about the calls you are getting. El Nino... isn't that spanish for "the nino?" I agree with Klaire, please don't have a heart attack!
I love that picture of El Nino.

A lot goes on at 3 AM. I've said it before: transition from graveyard to day shift is the hardest. However, I'm up and I'll make the most of it.

I went out to go fetch my mail and it was cool and raining. A perfect night for a walk, I think. If I could just find a nice place to sit and listen...
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Running the vaccum at 3am is always a good way to get back at your neighbors! I did not realize that there were levels of sex offenders? That is creepy. I fell bad for your co-worker.

I havn't seen a new Terry Tate commercial in a while!
Do you ever get any complaint calls like this?

Caller: "Yeah, what's going on with this volcano? I mean this has been going on for a long time now. All the earthquakes and ashe... when is this going to stop? This is ridiculous!"

Has anyone ever asked if there was anything you could do about it?

[Edited on Oct 20, 2004 4:14PM]
Where should I begin?

I finally got my ass registered today. I found out that in Washington, you can register through the mail until 30 days before the election. After that, you have 15 days to go to the county auditor and register for an absentee ballot. I'm glad that I did, not becuase I think my vote would make a big difference, but it...
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Indeed, I have been flying far too much for my tastes. Just a few more though, and I'm done for a while.

Hm, dood....
I don't know what to say, except think about it for a while and go with the one you decide you really want. I'm for the desk job myself, given in my line of work there exists potential to be in life threatening situations (since I plan on finishing out 20 years in the Army, I know I'll spend some time in Iraq or Afganistan sometime...).
Both jobs, however, sound fucking cool.
Oh, I also applied for a webcomics group....denied. Said it was too similiar to existing groups. But I'll email you the list of stuff I read that I'm caught up on.
Texas Tech is whooping Nebraska 70-10. This is Texas Tech's first win EVER over the Huskers. This is also Nebraska's worst loss EVER.

I'm so happy now, that I want to get shitfaced. Too bad I have to work tonight.
Indeed, I did get here. Not without some damage, but I will go in to that later. wink

Caller: "Yeah I just thought you guys should know that the mountain is glowing....... Uh, Isn't that unusual? eeek
Poor Cloud. Has he chewed on any rubber hoses lately?
The east coast has it's hurricanes and nor'easters. The west has volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis. Everyone else inbetween has drought, floods, tornadoes and blizzards. If your lucky, mother nature will throw in a swarm of locusts as well. No matter where you go, you're at risk for some natural disaster.

One disaster that sticks out in my memory happened on a stormy day in the...
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Disaster stories....hum. I will have to think of one....too many fun things to choose from, especially from the vault of ex's. tee hee

Looks like I may be out of here on Monday after all. Cross your fingers for me. What a mess these morons have created. Ugh! The brain trust at its finest.

Indeed, a tough few days, but I have been through worse. I'm just tired of being fucked with, and frankly, if I was in the states I would have already dealt with this unpleasantness on my own grounds. As such, karma will either catch up, like it has to the other fellow, or I will get lucky enough for my brakes to fail, and to have him be the one in the cross walk at the right time.


Yes, I will make sure NOT to take the Skittles to the zoo.

I like the idea about using the tire spikes to meet my dream girl... I wonder how much those things cost? What a story it would make when people would ask how we met!!!

Caller: "Yeah, I'd like to report a volcano eruption."

Damn you St. Helens, you lied to me! mad
?? What is going on love? Update me, because I'm not in on what is going on up North.

Caller: "I was wondering about this volcano thing and if it has anything to do with the earthquakes going on around here."

I look forward to 2012. Let me know if you need a VP!

"Either you eat pork or you are with the terrorists."
I say St. Helens will blow on Sunday, October 3rd at 1:52 PM. No, I'm not an expert Volcanologist, but I am feeling lucky.
smile I'm going to rub my furry little foot for luck. smile

See my reply on other entry.

Phone call: "Yeah, will the lava from the volcano flow all the way Seattle?"
I won at poker again tonight, $30 was my big haul. This was my second time in a row winning. No one has ever had a 3-peat, but I would like to be the first.

I guess the "dumb, Iowa boy" front has worked for me biggrin

I'd buy y'all drinks if I could, but since you ain't here, I'll drink 'em for ya wink
*snicker* Good call on the tunes. he he.

Indeed, I need to be a star! smile I am one in my own mind at least.

I'm glad I have you to talk to. smile

Now, I will remind you that I have been a big fan of your quotes in the past, but this is BY FAR my new favorite:

"If you don't eat pork, the terrorists win."


I told one of my friends something similar (but not nearly as funny) the other day that: "if you order a salad you will be supporting terrorism." Guess what I ordered? You will love this being from Iowa... a BBQ Pork Sandwich! biggrin

[Edited on Sep 30, 2004 10:06PM]
Mt. St. Helens might erupt, but it won't be a big one like last time. Thank god I have been off the last few days. I can just imagine the calls they are getting at the office.

Forecast: Sunny, with a large explosion around mid-morning. Ash and debris with scalding hot gasses around lunchtime, followed by lava in the afternoon. Death and Destruction by evening....
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Like your forecast!

Indeed, a side kick! I had not thought about that. I could take applicants I suppose?? wink

he he.

That is an awesome forecast! Would the calls go like this?

Caller: Hey, when's this volcano going to erupt?

Buaku: It going to erupt at 5:23am on Oct 23.

Caller: Really?

Buaku: No, I'm just making that up.

Caller: Oh, well do you know how big of an eruption is it going to be?

Buaku: It will be one of the worst eruptions ever documented.

Caller: Wow, really?

Buaku: No, I making that up too, if I don't know when the eruption would occur how would I know how big its going to be? Watch the fucking news and leave us alone.

As I grow older, I try to stay young at heart. But there are somethings you did as a child that you just can't, or shouldn't do anymore.

Running full speed and jumping on the bed is one of them.

Have you seen that Bud Light commercial where the guy slides off his bed and through the window?
Weasel sign! I love eeet. Wonder what would be on my utility belt?! he he.

Indeed, I'm ready to tell them all to bite me.



[Edited on Sep 29, 2004 12:18AM]
To answer your question: No, I don't think God is hitting Florida with all those hurricanes becuase of the gay people getting married. And I don't think the floods of '95' were punishment for the lifting of the abortion ban...
Awesome. Thanks for your recount of the experience you had in Barrow. I think I'm going to leave the idea of going up there for a few years, but I do look forward to it someday!
(laughter) Indeed. I'm feeling better that I had some lunch stuffed into my body. I hate being hungover and at work. smile
