OMG!!! I think i might get a job doing makeup for the suicide girls at the Sunset Juction on Aug. 28th. This would be the best job i have ever done... Come see the girls if your in the L.A. area and see if i did a good job or not.. Not like it matters the girls are f.....g HOTT as hell!!!
Welcome to SGLA. Hope we see you out some time. This week is Long Beach's turn to host the weekly Tuesday dinner, by the way, in case you feel like coming out and saying hello.
ok well it looks like my pics are going to be done pretty soon... so thanx for all the ideas and all the positive support... i needed it.. oh, and i dyed my hair, thought it would be nice to leave a little mystery to my journal... LUV YA ALL...
Hey everyone, I hope i'll be able to take my pics for SG tomorrow... If i'm not able to get them done professionally done im going to have to do them myself... and that would be
Hey everyone well i came up with a name and a theme... But the bad news is i can't tell ya anything untill my set is out.. But it won't be hard to not reconize me. So I hope you guys will like them when there finally out....
Hey if there's any girls who are in the LA area that need a makeup artist for there sets let me know.. I work for Clinique and I am able to travel anywhere from la to san deigo... Let me know....
I like the pin up idea too! There are so many good costume ideas for that. How about the betty paige devil costume!
You could totally pull it off and it was so hot, with the riding crop and everything!
OOh awesome!Yeah eventually I'd love to be an sg girl but I just had a lil beebee- lil Rose-and I need to get back into shape.But ur hot so no wonder love! Funny that you live in Long Beach-I hang out there all the time and your BettiePage user name caught my eye!Did u know that the director of American Psycho is making a movie on her!?Pretty cool if u check out picture it may show when it comes out and other new independent stuff. , Stephanieo