So, today marks the anniversary of when my application for SG was accepted.
Or not.
So I might be picking up more hours at the porn shop already. Turns out one of the girls was fired yesterday, so there's going to be a meeting tomorrow to finally set a schedule for the rest of us. Finally! Maybe I'll get some REAL hours.
Yeah, I'm probably not getting that law firm job anytime soon. As it turns out, they're just starting an interviewing process, they have a couple of other people they're interested in. I just happened to be the first person on the list. Damn alphabetical order.
So, I went to my interview - without the lip ring, yes I took it out and it was trippy... Read More'm awake? Unheard of after only 3 hours of sleep.
Buuuut, having company over until you crash finally at 7 am will kinda do that to you.
I never saw that company leave, either. Never heard the door open or shut. But they left. I know this because their stuff isn't on the counter anymore.
Damn, homie. I musta been crashin' hardcore like whoa.
Okay, seriously, what the hell is the point of having two jobs if neither of them need you to come in and work. Especially when you made it clear that your schedule is open and you need to work badly.
It's enough to drive me insane. I might as well be unemployed again!!!
So I called that law firm in Novato back yesterday. As... Read More
I'm halfway expecting to get a call from the porn shop tomorrow, saying that a customer complained about the kind of music playing.
Disturbed is going to get me in soooo much trouble. *tee hee!*
So a big name law firm in Novato called me back today. I applied via well over a month ago, and just got the Marisa's. I had forgotten... Read More
My god it's hot out. I think part of me melted off on the way back from Marisa's. But at least I got some grub to her from the wine bar.
Ha, it was so dead today that me, the cook and another waitress just basically bullshitted around because there was nothing to do. I got a chicken ceaser salad, scones and a cookie out... Read More
In my mind, SuicideGirls and Internet people live on the same Island as Cyclops and Germans and people who don't speak English. The Island is south of here, past the part of the map labelled 'Here be Dragons', which is why I've never been there.
Yeah you know what... that's why im probably leaving this site... Ive meet a few of the members but they are so and between that the internet persona is all i know... but i feel you though... (You touched me in a place few women have touched me... or where only few women want to touch me)
Payday, and I am left without a cent to my sight until tomorrow morning.
No filling out W-2's, no paychecks, it's all under the table, and I can't pick up my money until tomorrow morning because I'm working from 6 till whenever at the wine bar.
Which sucks royally because I really need to do laundry, and I do mean REALLY. I don't feel like... Read More
Thank you for all those comments. Seriously. I didn't think that posting that would get that much of a reaction. I was just blindly typing while remembering. I'm really overwhelmed.
I have some rather interesting news, if you'd like to hear of it.
I got to work today around 9:30, to find a photocopied piece of paper sitting on the front counter. Upon looking... Read More
you reminded me of a time when Jade helped me out. I don't know if I've told you this story or not, so here goes.
It was absolutely FREEZING out, must have been february or March on AFI's last tour with Nitro. I was standing outside of St Andrews in Detroit waiting for the club to let the press people in (I had press passes and an interview /w/ the band for this show). I get inside only to find that Nitro fucked up and didn't put me on the list. I had no money for tickets and the show was sold out so I was stuck holding my balls outside of the club trying to get ahold of the guy from Nitro on a cellphone so I could get in the place. He's not answering his phone. It just kept getting colder and colder and I was about to give up when I spotted jade and smith walking out the front door of the club. IN desperation I stopped him and said "hello" and explained the situation. Jade was immediately roused by what had happened and went directly back inside. Ten minutes later he came out with two press passes apologizing profusely for a mistake that wasn't even his. I didn't get the interview that night (as it turned out, my name got scratched off of the list because some people from higher end magazines were at the show that night and I was just writing for a little fanzine that no one cared about. the band only so much time before a show so guess who gets booted first....) but at least I got to see the show.
I don't know why I just remembered this out of the clear blue, but I just did.
When I was younger, like 15, my dad decided as punishment for backtalking my stepmother, he would take me to work with him on a Saturday...and have me sit in his truck for the course of 8 hours. It was JANUARY IN MICHIGAN when he did this. On... Read More