1oz Vodka
1oz Blue Curoco (sp?)
and cranberry juice
Long BEACH Iced Tea
The same as a long island but instead of adding coke at the end add cranberry juice instead...soooo yummy, it makes it sour. SWEET!
Blue Hawaiian
1oz rum
1oz blue curoco
2oz bar lime mix
pinapple juice
...note to you that this recipe is for a double, when you order them in restuarants, it's ONE shot of alcohol, the rum and curoco mixed and also a lot of bar tenders make them with bar lemon mix instead of the lime but the lime makes them more tart or sour, super goodness
we should all hang out again.. it would be good for everyone to get together. We should perhaps go bowling or play rugby(?) or croquet. or see episode 3 with everyone in the cheapo theatre. you let me know and then it shall be so.
I got a job at Games Workshop today. I'll be working part time over the summer. Apparently, I'd be something like the second female to work retail in Games Workshop Canada's history.
Yay! Congratulations on the new job! Welcome to the fold! (And to that lovely staff discount! )
I occasionally miss working for GW retail, but where I am now is much more fun, and I don't have to deal with a shop full of kids in the school holidays!
I survived finals. Yay! So off I went and changed my profile info. Heck, it should be fun to read, even if nobody reads it.
Anyways, if you played my last game, you'll have your points updated now (check your Testimonials).
The answers?
Reboot: Hexidecimal
Buffy: Faith
DS9: Quark
Daria: Jane
King of the Hill: Bobby
Desperate Housewives: Susan (played by Teri Hatcher)
Angel: Wesley... Read More
Hi. I'm commenting on a thread from the Feminist group back in March...the Abortion and Responsibility thread. I just wanted to let u know that I found it amazing that not only did u bring up an interesting point of view that I've never thought of before, (about lower class women being kind of forced into abortion because they are not informed or financially stable enough to have birth control or rear a child,) but that u also withstood a ruthless, irrational attack from DebraJean without losing ur cool. U stated ur case, validated ur opinions, and also gave her ample time to make a complete ass of herself. Bravo.
I like the hair and the figure! Don't suppose you've got any high-res photos of the mini do you? Not that I'd have any ulterior motive for needing to find well-painted Tau figures, of course...
So you're after postcard, huh? One of the local comic shops had a set of Dave McKean postcards - reproductions of the menu art he did for one of my favourite restaurants in Canterbury. I should find them and send youa set...
seeing as how that guy is also missing a finger -- m guessing he is an amputee fetishist.
good for him .. I guess. he did it. got photo evidence.
I wonder if he went to the hospital after. I wonder what they said.
wow. .... for some reason, didnt gag me, just .. interesting. I love the weird things people do.
these Aya points .. I am new to them. and I think I have like ... 5. so I guess I should send in postcard or something.
but the single truth :: Duck Hunt. Tell me I get it right. c'mon.
Well feel free to give me a call on Sunday when you get back. It's production time so I don't have a lot of time off but I can probably arrange something.
Since I run so many silly games and do all sorts of fun games, I've decided to make it a little more interesting.
Basically, if you participate by getting a Two Lies right you get a point. If you do a silly mission for me, you get a point. I'm planning on running some sort of photo-scavenger hunt and again, based on how... Read More
1oz Vodka
1oz Blue Curoco (sp?)
and cranberry juice
Long BEACH Iced Tea
The same as a long island but instead of adding coke at the end add cranberry juice instead...soooo yummy, it makes it sour. SWEET!
Blue Hawaiian
1oz rum
1oz blue curoco
2oz bar lime mix
pinapple juice
...note to you that this recipe is for a double, when you order them in restuarants, it's ONE shot of alcohol, the rum and curoco mixed and also a lot of bar tenders make them with bar lemon mix instead of the lime but the lime makes them more tart or sour, super goodness