AGGRH! I'm pretty certain that I have a kidney stone running laps up and down the lower left side of my abdomen. IT HURTS A LOT. Vicodin isn't helping it, either.

I'm debating whether I should go to an emergency room after work, because of the immense pain going on in there, or if I should just wait for it to pass (ugh). It's been...
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So, maintenence is supposed to be here today to replace my fridge, which has been bleeding rust water for months. Though they said they'd do it today, I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for them to show up, given their past non-punctuality.

I went out Saturday night, as planned, although a little later than the agreed-upon meeting time (I slept through my 6:00pm...
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I have an okcupid profile now.

And a new profile pic!

You should all adore me.
Gah. Too much bad shit going on this week. Moreso than most previous weeks combined. I think I want to die, although, admittedly, the chances of that happening are probably pretty slim.

Nevertheless, it's a crutch the hold onto when the going gets rough.

To wit:

• I received an email from an ex-girlfriend that I hadn't heard from since 2003 this week, which has...
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Holy hell.

I just got an email from a girl that broke up with me in November 2002; I hadn't heard from her since January 2003, and I never really got over her.

Wow. Woah. Um. I don't know what to think about this. I'm simultaneously floored with surprise and kicked involuntarily back into my mindset from three/four years ago. Once the shock wears off,...
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Man, trying to sleep while under the influence of Adderall is totally fruitless. Oh, wait, that's because Adderall is pure amphetamine. Duh on my part!

I bought some more Tofurky, more broccoli and califlower, a packet of spelt flour bagels, and yet another vegan cheese which turned out to be, as expected, bland and rubbery. I kind of overindulged on the Tofurky, via sandwiches, and...
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Yeah. Definitely not in metarie wink

ahhhh the days of trying to sleep on adderall
Awwww she is so pretty!!

I had an extremely strange dream yesterday. It's barely describable, but I'll try. The world, or really, the part of the world I was in, was under attack by aliens. Eventually, they won, and forcably converted everyone to Christianity via constant booming public service announcements, kind of like the "OBEY" signs in the film They Live, with mostly the same message, only aural rather than...
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I woke up at about 9:00 tonight with a great deal of pain in my left hand. Turns out I was bitten by a spider, even though I was wearing a carpal tunnel glove which covered the bite site (the webbing between thumb and forefinger). Once I got out of bed and turned on the lights, a visual inspection of the painful area was made,...
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If it's a common house spider of any sort you'll get a small red welt that will go away in a few hours or days. If it's a brown recluse the welt will get big and painful within a few hours, with the real tell-tale sign being that the center of the bite will generally start to turn dark within 4-6 hours after the bite. Necrosis won't set in [if it ever does] till days later after the flesh in the center of the bite starts to die from lack of blood flow. The venom constricts the blood vessels in the skin, and without prompt antibiotic treatment the skin in the bite area can start to rot.

~ a year ago I woke early one morning with an itchy lump on my rump, figured it was a flea bite from my girlfriend's cat, went back to sleep. Woke a few hours later and it was a big lump, hurt, and the center was already turning black. I knew exactly what it was... brown recluse bite... I'd seen them before. Sat on a bag of frozen peas [cold slows the venom's action] while I called around to figure out where to go to. No insurance so sat in the waiting room of a "quick care" place for three hours just to pay $100 to get a $60 prescription for Keflex.

Necrosis happens in "only" ~50% of brown recluse cases, and often that stems from the victim not getting antibiotics till days later. No rot for me, but it took a full 3 months for all traces of the bite to fade. I'm a bit arachnophobic now and shake out every piece of clothing before putting it on and the sheets at night. Have NO desire to go thru that again!
For fuck's sake. Honestly.

I just spent 8+ hours hacking Broadcom's WIDCOMM bluetooth drivers/stack. ("Aww, widdle biddy comm!") Just so I could listen to what ended up (by the time I was finished) an hour's worth of music before I leave work for the day.

For whatever reason, my bluetooth adapter (Targus ACB10US) and headphones (Motorola HT820) were...
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After having the doctor's office call me to reschedule the day before my appointment last week, I had to abandon the thought of seeing him this past Thursday. Instead, I went this afternoon.

It was productive, such as it is.

I revealed how I'd been Ambien's bitch for too long and that I wanted to stop taking it. He said that he's heard a lot...
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Since I've got that bitter parasuicidal groove thing going on lately (see my previous entry for further details), I've been listening to accordingly parasuicidal music. Here's a playlist for you to assemble and use to accompany your despair:

01. Concrete Blonde - Tomorrow, Wendy
02. Xymox - Imagination
03. Lycia - Everything is cold
04. Joy Division - Isolation
05. Nick Cave & The Bad...
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God, i hate when a shrink's way of helping is to prescribe more drugs.

because that's the best way to fight depression. the addiction to the new drug will totally eclipse the earlier depression and make it all better, right? puke

Sorry, more of a personal rant, there... anyway, good luck smile