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*back story*
back in 2003, my junior year of highschool i had a huge thing for an awesome guy, and feeling where mutual.
funny story, my now husband (who i also knew in highschool but did not date until 2 years after...
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Haven't had the money to see my therapist, and i feel like therapy really isnt the key for me (my therapist even said "i have great insight, and i am very self aware) makes me feel like i dont really need one after all
My glasses broke in half on Sunday...
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I have stupidly sensitive eyes, so I am stuck with glasses

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That is a nice ride for a baby
So fare i am dealing with Aggression, Abandonment issues, and GAD... Generalized anxiety disorder. So ill be seeing my thereapist weekly. shes a very sweet kind women. so i see this going great.
the down fall is i have to attend...
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Good luck with the therapist. I hope things start looking up for you.
Getting a little more comfortable with the site again. i feel like i settled in real nice and easy like.
really wanna get my foot back into the door and start modeling again. but i...
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Hope your therapist session goes well

Don't worry about the stigmatism. I am narcissistic borderline mix. it is just a fancy label for what we call life.
I hear you with the compliments though.

until then here are some pictures of me, and my 18month old son.
(can some one do me a favor a re size this pictures so i fits nice and snug in my profile...
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also..this is the best i could do:

Our little creek looks all calm and peaceful in that picture but in the 80's before they redid all the bridges and tunnels it got backed up and flooded our entire little town. My great-grandma had pictures of it, entire houses taken out, people stranded on top of their cars. Crazy. It still can get kind of high when we get a good rainstorm, but nothing as bad as that. I guess when it flooded the water was all the way up to where our front porch is, about 50 yards from the creek.
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i just discovered today that my piercer had/has a SG account! and i have been a "friend" of his on SG since 2008,
yeah... it's always the people that you don't want to see the site that will see it. especially the creepy neighbors that leer at you when you go get the mail. just remember that it's nothing to be ashamed of EVEN IF it was hardcore and it's not.
why not just ask your artist privately if it really bothers you. take him aside when you're alone and see if it was probably just because he didn't want your dude to think he was a lurker. maybe he had a bad experience on the site and didn't want to bring it up.
he might be freaking out just as much as you and it's really no big deal for either side.
good luck