I really hate people here. It would take me far more time to explain my deep loathing for the people I spend 24/7 than I care to spare at the moment. Needless to say that people are so set in their cliches that they don't allow new people to be included. Fuck, I'm not even new. I've been here three months strong and apparently that...
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Well its lunchtime Tuesday and I'm in Seoul in between appointments right now. I met with my surgeon a couple of hours ago so he could look at my crater and he says it is healing nicely but that it is red. This guy is a Major and has been to bat for me a couple of times in the past couple of weeks with...
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Do you ? <3
Ugh 1am Monday morning and I'm awake. Fuck me.
Well I ended up working the 24 hour duty shift on Friday and I about freaked out at the beginning of it. Slowly but surely my family is starting to lose support in me as the days roll on and I have no idea why. Everyone is pushing their own slightly different agenda on me and...
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Well I ended up working the 24 hour duty shift on Friday and I about freaked out at the beginning of it. Slowly but surely my family is starting to lose support in me as the days roll on and I have no idea why. Everyone is pushing their own slightly different agenda on me and...
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You aren't alone- and are in my thoughts. Hope you get the help and support you are looking for :-*
These people are despicable; I can not even describe the hate that I have for these lousy Human beings...do they not feel or care?! If only I could make them experience even an ounce of what you have been going through. My thoughts are with you, and karma is with them...
So here's the update:
Yesterday I had called different members of my family to let them know what was going on and to let them know that I was thinking about harming myself. My mother was genuinely concerned of course and after she got off the phone with me she phoned the Red Cross. The Red Cross got a hold of my unit and my...
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Yesterday I had called different members of my family to let them know what was going on and to let them know that I was thinking about harming myself. My mother was genuinely concerned of course and after she got off the phone with me she phoned the Red Cross. The Red Cross got a hold of my unit and my...
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From the girlfriend of someone who is depressed and considering cutting, I can tell you that the fear is not that the cutting itself is suicidal, just that it can escalate to that level. When cutting isn't enough of a release anymore, then what? That's where it is in my mind, anyhow.
All of my good thoughts to you, friend. Look how loved you are. I'm glad that you have a better situation to live in, at least. It isn't enough, I know, but it's a beginning. If you can slowly take out the extra stresses of your life, then you can begin to deal with the problem itself.
All of my good thoughts to you, friend. Look how loved you are. I'm glad that you have a better situation to live in, at least. It isn't enough, I know, but it's a beginning. If you can slowly take out the extra stresses of your life, then you can begin to deal with the problem itself.
I'm sorry to hear about this. I hope that it turns around for the better. Do what is right for you and don't let anyone try to convince you of anything else.
As far as the cutting thing goes, I used to do it all the time and got the same response. "Are you trying to kill yoursellf?" No, I'm not that fucking selfish. There is a difference. People who have never had a reason to want to hurt themselves often don't understand it and are very harmful to be around. In my experience, they usually made things worse for me.
I know I've told you this before, but I want you to remember that you absolutely can always talk to me if you need to. In fact, I insist.
I'll be thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way. <3
As far as the cutting thing goes, I used to do it all the time and got the same response. "Are you trying to kill yoursellf?" No, I'm not that fucking selfish. There is a difference. People who have never had a reason to want to hurt themselves often don't understand it and are very harmful to be around. In my experience, they usually made things worse for me.
I know I've told you this before, but I want you to remember that you absolutely can always talk to me if you need to. In fact, I insist.
I'll be thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way. <3
I have no idea where to get the help I need. Everywhere I have turned to has been a dead end. I have a feeling there has to be a significant emotional event for me to get the message across to these people. I hate the military and its cold approach to anything especially helping its soldiers that need it. My caring and patience is...
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Surrounded by military all my life growing up with a vietnam vet dad... and seeing friends come in and out of it...I hope youll come out strong! Best wishes
I'm afraid today, boys and girls, that I don't have much of anything good to say about the comings and goings of my life. The last few days I've been in a funk and its no surprise to me at all. I've been having some problems coping since day 1 that I have been in Korea. I've done everything within my power to bury those...
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hang in there hun
hang in there hun
hang in there buddy- let's go out for a drink when i'm back in town
Well boys and girls things have taken a turn for the worse.
Monday, I submitted my leave extension paperwork thinking that I would be just fine, but it turns out that I am not. My 1st Sgt signed off on it, but my Captain denied my leave extension which means in about an hour I go back to work. No explanation was given to me...
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Monday, I submitted my leave extension paperwork thinking that I would be just fine, but it turns out that I am not. My 1st Sgt signed off on it, but my Captain denied my leave extension which means in about an hour I go back to work. No explanation was given to me...
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Oh dude
Hope things work out for you

glad i could help out

So its the beginning of Wednesday.. my clock just ticked 1201 and here I am wide awake. Go figure..
I managed to get another two weeks of leave off starting this friday until the 22nd. So that means more time sitting around in chat and being a huge nerd
The pain is still definitely there and I am not taking percocet along with my oxycontin...
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I managed to get another two weeks of leave off starting this friday until the 22nd. So that means more time sitting around in chat and being a huge nerd

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good luck with the douche roommate...been trying to perfect that art for years...
Glad to hear it!
I fuckin hate this piece of this shit sometimes. I go to the trouble of writing a 10 minute blog only for it to be erased. I don't even know why I try anymore.
To sum up my blog entry. Ass still hurts, medics here are retarded and don't change my dressing right and I won't be able to do my job in five days...
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To sum up my blog entry. Ass still hurts, medics here are retarded and don't change my dressing right and I won't be able to do my job in five days...
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hope you feel better soon.
hope you feel better soon.
Don't you hate when that happens? Never trust SG blogs, before you hit the send button, always ctrl+c everything.
So my roommate thinks that eating an entire pizza before going to the gym to work out and sit in a sauna is an effective way to lose weight. Do you see what I'm dealing with here? Sigh
LOL sounds like a sure fire way to puke!
im sorry i havnt been playing WoW lately. got a freakin mac but it doesnt play WoW
i hate this computer grrr. ill replace it with pc soon.
goin to comic con today and im super excited!

goin to comic con today and im super excited!


Cool and gross. Yeh, big ouchies to you my love
Cool and gross. Yeh, big ouchies to you my love

Hello lovies,
4th day after surgery and I am still very sore. It's getting better but my ass and legs are still very achy. That's what wonderful drugs are for
I've been taking it pretty easy. Spending a lot of time in chat and playing WoW. Pretty much a nerd's dream and we all know I am a very big nerd.
My roommate is driving...
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4th day after surgery and I am still very sore. It's getting better but my ass and legs are still very achy. That's what wonderful drugs are for

I've been taking it pretty easy. Spending a lot of time in chat and playing WoW. Pretty much a nerd's dream and we all know I am a very big nerd.
My roommate is driving...
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I hope you feel good soon and I so dont wanna see the hole in your back..ahhhh!
I'm a SWG girl myself... love playing a dancing Twi'lek, hehe. I'm glad that you're feeling better!
Don't let it take you. You are better than all that.
Find solace in something..