its music time again folks!!!

Lyrics to I Want To Know Your Plans :
I want to know your plans, and how involved in them I am.
When you leave for good this fall, will I be forgiven?
And If you want roses, I'll buy a bouquet.
If that just won't cut it, what can I say?

You're what keeps me believing this world's not...
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Yay music biggrin
Wellll I guess that depends on how long your hair is right now and when you're planning on using the costume.
thats true i have been bad about getting online lately! I will try to do better! thank you for wanting to be my internet white night! YOU always were! Hugs talk to you soon! Love-ireland
so quickie update after finally talking myself into it i ran up to the university and hit the 20ft wall drop this morning it was a little hairy with the 5mph cross wind but i stuck it clean!!!!! gonna head back after work and hit it again to get some pictures. biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
this one is for jenn, i love ya baby
my feelings exactly
so this is a repost of what i put up earlier but then took down due to shame:

last night was a bad night for me. i had heard alot of people talk about relapsing while i was in rehab, and i always thought that they were the idiots for giving and not staying clean. Well im the idiot as well i caved to those...
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Babe you are VERY strong you are also human now thats not an excuse but it happens and you cant beat yourself up for it! You can do anything. I believe in you always have! If you ever need an ear you KNOW i am here for you! You have always been there for me I would love to be there for you! Love you bunches-ireland
You admited failure, that takes strength. You are making an attempt to change your life style, that takes strength. You made a mistake, thats human. Drive on.
damnit im working on one hour of sleep right now frown
I am working on 5 for the past 48 hours.
oh god have i got a story for you....... yah you, you know who you ladies are ill see you in chat tonight.
one more month then i get my bronco back biggrin biggrin biggrin friends girlfriend just turned 21 so we went out to what had to be the lamest 21st birthday party ive been to. hell at mine i got so plastered i was doing shots of ranch dressing for money.
so..... some one decided to kick my account back on not to sure who it was but thank you. not a whole lot has changed still in alaska still working at the computer shop. and to all the people on psw chat that may be interested i finnaly kicked the orange crush habit that i was nursing along.
HAHAHA WELL GOOD FOR YOU DOLL!!! Glad you were able to kick that! Glad your back hope i get to talk to you sometime! Much love-ireland
well i hope they let you back in soon so i can chat with you again! Much love-ireland
well my time here is almost up I am rarely on and when i am i grow more disappointed with this site. its been a good almost 4 years but i am done now. the girls get more boring everyday the site has basically turned into a facebook/myspace hybrid Satan child. the groups grow more and more short sighted PSW being one of my favorite...
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Some times I feel he same way. Hate to see you go man.
Thank you sweetheart! I miss you terribly! Things are crazy and I have no idea where I am heading! But I know I will be moving to the west coast as soon as I can! I hate being in virginia! Give me a call sometime so we can catch up! You mean a lot to me always have and I am sorry we lost each other! I hope we can talk again soon! Thank you for your kind words it means everything to me! Love you forever-Ireland love kiss ARRR!!!