more music this pretty well sums it up for me today, i woke thinking about her again
hey there Hope your doing ok! TALK TO ME!!!!
Only because I want to lull you into a false sense of security.
I'm starting to fail to see the point of writing a blog on here anymore. i don't have tits to post pictures of so i don't get many friend requests. though the ones i do have i have either met in person or have talked to in chat several times and they seemed like good peoples. guess what I'm trying to say is that from...
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this is a great mix here
Thank you sweetie
Love Cheri
So what's gonna happen for your cosplay??
i seriously think im going stir crazy at this point. being stuck inside on the couch has just eaten away at me to the point im just snapping over the littlest things. i guess its just the thought of being a useless blob for the next 2 months has really hit me hard. my apartment is a mess well more so than usual and there...
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so i talked to the ortho surgeon on monday i will not need surgery thankfully. but i will be sporting a boot for the next 2-3 months. not much else to say... well there is but saying it is pointless now. blackeyed
so i went back into the ER today and sure as shit my ankle is broken. the worst part of it id the PA i talked to said that they should have seen it was broken from the xrays and the ct scan was not needed so now im in a full splint until i get into the ortho doctor. so my summer is officially...
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Wow that looks bad.
so i go in for the ct scan on my ankle tomorrow. i love how 3 days after it happens when they told me i should be walking on it to help it heal that they call me and tell me not to put any weight on it at all because there is a chance that i may have broken my heel bone mad . easier...
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so i sprained my ankle last night. did a good job too was swolen to about the size of my fist. other than that my time has been hectic. so apologize to all the people on chat really want to get back on and chat with you guys just have been in a shit mood. i cant seem to wrap my head around how things...
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What was this about you saying something about crutches on my blog?
i am taking this from a myspace chain post but oh well this is one i firmly believe in

To every guy that's said, "Sex CAN wait"
To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful."
To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town to see her.
To every guy that gives her flowers and a card when she is sick or down....
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