ok, so can you have culinary ocd? lately i have an unholy obsession with waterchestnuts. not possible, you say? au contrair. i am up to 4 cans of waterchesnuts a day. of course, i did create a really kickin' tuna salad recipe out of it, but still ... odd.
i know from elementary lore that the desire to crunch ice is sexual frustration, and mercy...
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i know from elementary lore that the desire to crunch ice is sexual frustration, and mercy...
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you guys are the best! sg is truly the coolest group of folks. gah - i
this virtual world.
now if only my real world was not a monstrous pile of boxes .... and not the fun kind.
until later -

now if only my real world was not a monstrous pile of boxes .... and not the fun kind.
until later -

You're so cool, wanta be friends???

awww - definitely!

"In a murderous time/the heart breaks and breaks/ and lives by breaking./It is necessary to go/through dark and deeper dark/and not to turn./ I am looking for the trail"
~ Stanley Kunitz "The Learning Tree"
i don't lovelove the entire poem, but this little section kills me. in prep for the move i am sorting through old papers - weeding, etc. i stumbled across the...
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~ Stanley Kunitz "The Learning Tree"
i don't lovelove the entire poem, but this little section kills me. in prep for the move i am sorting through old papers - weeding, etc. i stumbled across the...
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To quote Karl from Slingblade - "I like the way you talk". But seriously, you're a good writer from only the little i've seen above. And after all you quoted a Bowie movie which is always an added bonus. And yes, the passion of a relationship early on is often something I miss as well.
You reminded me that Babes in Toyland was once one of my fav bands. So, so long ago. Do you like Daisy Chainsaw too?
And your ex-piercings sounds a lot like me too.
They probably do have a SGNC. There's one for nearly every state. Have safe Holiday Season! *hearts sqp*
You reminded me that Babes in Toyland was once one of my fav bands. So, so long ago. Do you like Daisy Chainsaw too?
And your ex-piercings sounds a lot like me too.

They probably do have a SGNC. There's one for nearly every state. Have safe Holiday Season! *hearts sqp*
~funny how years of your life can be reduced to - immortalized by - a pile of flammable material.~
I love that line, it so true!
I know how you feel sweety, "Crazy Love" can be so hot AND make you so sad! Mine was named Lilith, You figure that the name alone would have clued me in, but Noooo kelly loves her drama and is happy until she's hurt.
I think i've raved enough for a first post
I love that line, it so true!
I know how you feel sweety, "Crazy Love" can be so hot AND make you so sad! Mine was named Lilith, You figure that the name alone would have clued me in, but Noooo kelly loves her drama and is happy until she's hurt.
I think i've raved enough for a first post

it is too late for night and too early for morning - isn't this supposedly sleep time. or at least, be awake for a better reason than sleeplessness time. but alas ...
thanks for the good thoughts on the ol' lip ring idea. i checked it out, and it would be allowed, but frowned upon.
ahhh, well, that is why one checks these things, no?...
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thanks for the good thoughts on the ol' lip ring idea. i checked it out, and it would be allowed, but frowned upon.

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yay moving! we're moving the 30th.
and yes, slang, variant english, or non-standard english does indedd have rules. That's why when they have the big joke of the white guy trying to speak jive it's funny- it's not just incorrect grammer, it's a different set of rules.
there are etymologies of many slang or new words. there are whole dictionaries of them. in terms of study of the grammer structures,I think those exist too, but are mnore difficult to find, since they are heavier reading.
reading grammer books is great for learning gramatical terms, but not so great for actual patterns. the formal study of grammer is actually more difficult than just knowing what's correct. Most of us already do.
I think reading is the best way to learn grammer- reading anything. you learn the rules indirectly.
second best is the study of a foreign language. then you have to learn grammatical terms.
happy holidays!
I know how you feel about wanting a sort of new years change. I need to re-dye my roots...
and yes, slang, variant english, or non-standard english does indedd have rules. That's why when they have the big joke of the white guy trying to speak jive it's funny- it's not just incorrect grammer, it's a different set of rules.
there are etymologies of many slang or new words. there are whole dictionaries of them. in terms of study of the grammer structures,I think those exist too, but are mnore difficult to find, since they are heavier reading.
reading grammer books is great for learning gramatical terms, but not so great for actual patterns. the formal study of grammer is actually more difficult than just knowing what's correct. Most of us already do.
I think reading is the best way to learn grammer- reading anything. you learn the rules indirectly.
second best is the study of a foreign language. then you have to learn grammatical terms.
happy holidays!
I know how you feel about wanting a sort of new years change. I need to re-dye my roots...
since you mentioned pie.....
this is weeble and bob, and they like pie. they are best apreciated if you start at the beginning... weebl and bob
personally, I like strawberry rhubarb the best....
this is weeble and bob, and they like pie. they are best apreciated if you start at the beginning... weebl and bob
personally, I like strawberry rhubarb the best....
one day of grading until freedom - woohoo! i am contemplating some celebratory body art. now, the question is, to lip ring or not to lip ring? whether tis better in the lip's center to suffer the pulls and needles of outrageous self decoration ... heh, it all comes back to hamlet after all.
random aside -- one time instead of an expository essay i...
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random aside -- one time instead of an expository essay i...
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Sorry to hear about the kaputski of the dating interest. Always hate it when that happens. Of course when it does, I usually want to launch into the Queen Mab speech: "Oh then I see Queen mab hath been with you..." and be all accusatory. But that's me.
And the mention of Ophelia always makes me think of the Dylan song, "Desolation Row."
Lip rings are quite sexy when pared with the right lips. I'm sure it'll go over well. Or like a lead balloon. Either/or.
Good luck on the grading.
And the mention of Ophelia always makes me think of the Dylan song, "Desolation Row."
Lip rings are quite sexy when pared with the right lips. I'm sure it'll go over well. Or like a lead balloon. Either/or.
Good luck on the grading.
good luck grading!
I dunno about the sinus thing. I had my nose peirced three times, but none of them were in for longer than a year and a half. mine didn't work out too well because I discovered that I am allergic to a lot of metals. also I think, ten years ago + i didn't clean them as frequently as I aught to have. plus they were peirced with an ear peircing gun, which my pro peircing friends all wince and flinch when I mention...
maybe if you got a real small stud sortof a bar to wear at work for the lip ring. I dunno. I'm not alowed to have anything except earrings since I work in a nursing home. I don't think I'd want to deal with the old folks reactions anyway, because It would be harder to be sympathetic to them, and that's pretty much my job.
I always used to know one or two people who magically were able to finess their way around their jobs dress code, but usually it depended alot on the manager involved, and it was usually a record store or a coffee shop.
yay freedom! sorry about the dating thing.
oh and I forgot to add-- oh, yeah, capoeira's great. It's such a huge part of my life, and it's so hard to summarize. Yay looking capoeira up!
[Edited on Dec 18, 2003 11:37AM]
I dunno about the sinus thing. I had my nose peirced three times, but none of them were in for longer than a year and a half. mine didn't work out too well because I discovered that I am allergic to a lot of metals. also I think, ten years ago + i didn't clean them as frequently as I aught to have. plus they were peirced with an ear peircing gun, which my pro peircing friends all wince and flinch when I mention...
maybe if you got a real small stud sortof a bar to wear at work for the lip ring. I dunno. I'm not alowed to have anything except earrings since I work in a nursing home. I don't think I'd want to deal with the old folks reactions anyway, because It would be harder to be sympathetic to them, and that's pretty much my job.
I always used to know one or two people who magically were able to finess their way around their jobs dress code, but usually it depended alot on the manager involved, and it was usually a record store or a coffee shop.
yay freedom! sorry about the dating thing.
oh and I forgot to add-- oh, yeah, capoeira's great. It's such a huge part of my life, and it's so hard to summarize. Yay looking capoeira up!
[Edited on Dec 18, 2003 11:37AM]
uhhhhhh - had fun on saturday (into sunday) and have been sooo tired/icky ever since. will have to troll around and enjoy other people's thoughts. bleh.

greetings from the fathomy deep!
ok - first of all, you guys ARE the best - the BEST. i am soso glad to be part of sg journal world. never have i been so totally impressed w/ human innards as i have been in the last week or so. yowza - this is the place to be! feelin' way lucky over here! i will continue...
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ok - first of all, you guys ARE the best - the BEST. i am soso glad to be part of sg journal world. never have i been so totally impressed w/ human innards as i have been in the last week or so. yowza - this is the place to be! feelin' way lucky over here! i will continue...
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jingle bells on a collar sounds interesting......
uch - evil early & i am already pissed ... i bleeding HATE "women's magazines".
for some bizarre reason i thought subscribing to a "fitness" magazine would be a good idea. last year i was just getting into weightlifting, and being rather slimmish, and accident prone, i wanted to build up properly. go to the experts, right?
each month i am insulted...
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for some bizarre reason i thought subscribing to a "fitness" magazine would be a good idea. last year i was just getting into weightlifting, and being rather slimmish, and accident prone, i wanted to build up properly. go to the experts, right?

each month i am insulted...
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`oh god-- like last year, thought getting a subscription to glanour in apanish would be a helpful way to practice spanish-- I forgot that I can't stand to read glamour in english, let alone the spanish version which is actually alittle meaner, dumber and more foofy-- with the added layer of how come all these women look so anglo? I mean spanish speakers come in all ethnic backgrounds, but the models in ther are like 99% euro/ northern european looking.
anyway. I notices that when I started getting in shape self and shape were actually not the worst offerings out there, since they actually had some content about excercize, and not 100% diet, what to wear, etc.
I wish there was a magazine that had pictures of non professional model type women- I mean even if they just varied the body types a little. at least in self some of the models look physically capeable of doing the excercizes....
But why should it take us until our late 20's thirties to come to even a shallow peace with the actuality of our bodies. I'm 27 and I get more comfortable with the fact that I will never be a little person every year. I know my weight is just right for my height and my build, but it's damn hard to remember that looking at people my height or taller who weight like 125lbs to 135 lbs.
I think the best message is to be happy with whatever your body is. It can eb really, really hard, but the happier you are with your physical reality, the happier you'll be.
Working in a nursing home has helped my perspective a lot. My body is whole and (comparatively) healthy, and it gets me around pretty well.
It's so sad to me that teenagers and tweens spend the healthies 2 decades of their lives hating their bodies.
THis is part of why I think sports are really helpful for women. I didn't do sports until I was in college, but I wish I had when I was younger, they have been integral in coming to an apreciation of my body.
sorry,my spelling sucks too.
it's interesting to me that sites like this actually have some of the best representation of different womens body types out there.
but I guess you'd get in trouble for steering the neices to porn.... hehehehe.
anyway. I notices that when I started getting in shape self and shape were actually not the worst offerings out there, since they actually had some content about excercize, and not 100% diet, what to wear, etc.
I wish there was a magazine that had pictures of non professional model type women- I mean even if they just varied the body types a little. at least in self some of the models look physically capeable of doing the excercizes....
But why should it take us until our late 20's thirties to come to even a shallow peace with the actuality of our bodies. I'm 27 and I get more comfortable with the fact that I will never be a little person every year. I know my weight is just right for my height and my build, but it's damn hard to remember that looking at people my height or taller who weight like 125lbs to 135 lbs.
I think the best message is to be happy with whatever your body is. It can eb really, really hard, but the happier you are with your physical reality, the happier you'll be.
Working in a nursing home has helped my perspective a lot. My body is whole and (comparatively) healthy, and it gets me around pretty well.
It's so sad to me that teenagers and tweens spend the healthies 2 decades of their lives hating their bodies.
THis is part of why I think sports are really helpful for women. I didn't do sports until I was in college, but I wish I had when I was younger, they have been integral in coming to an apreciation of my body.
sorry,my spelling sucks too.
it's interesting to me that sites like this actually have some of the best representation of different womens body types out there.
but I guess you'd get in trouble for steering the neices to porn.... hehehehe.
omg - you guys are the best - everything you said YES - EXACTLY. we are so lucky to have functional bodies that we can make healthy and stronger. why should we make them skinny and weak? i mean, nothing wrong with the naturally thin, of course, and taking care of yrself is always a good idea, but within reason.
incedently, ap, yr height is the coolest thing (always wanted to be 6') and yr right - at 135 you would be grossly underweight. bleh. at 5'7" and 135# i need a few more pounds myself.
as for the anglicization (woo, new word) of all women, what IS up with that? there are so many beautiful skin tones, shapes, kinds of hair ...one of my brothers is asian and he used to BEG my mom to bathe him in bleach so he would come out blond and blue eyed. when she asked him why (because we are all darkish - italian blood), he said that blond/blue is the most american/powerful. also, since he was brown for so long, he had to make up for it by going to the other extreme. is that not the saddest thing youhave ever heard? he is just a gorgeous kid, too. after 28 years he is still coming to terms with race because of IMAGE as much as anything.
actually, i love this site because pple look normal. a real body is way sexier than a starved, airbrushed body. i mean, naturally occuring waifs can be way sexy too. however, if you look like a lollipop b/c yr head is 3x the size of yr body, there is a problem. and ya know, four is too young for porn, but when she hits those teenage years and rebels (my sis is way WAY middle america) she is MINE. and i WILL show her whatever images work the mental etch as sketch such that she can be who ever she is and love herself.
kos, you SO know what matters in raising yr wee one. i am HORRIFIED that she even knows what being fat is! how deranged is that mom? disturbingness. i growl in her general direction - grrrrrrrrrr.
now, the thing i DO love is when people so own themselves that they take on their own stylized identity. that rocks out loud.
ok, you guys are awesome. btw, i noticed you are all CTers. i used to live in meriden! my italian family is up there in meridan and middletown.
i am off to FINALLY turn in my last paper - YAAAAAAAAAY! still have tons of students to grade, but that is cake.
incedently, ap, yr height is the coolest thing (always wanted to be 6') and yr right - at 135 you would be grossly underweight. bleh. at 5'7" and 135# i need a few more pounds myself.
as for the anglicization (woo, new word) of all women, what IS up with that? there are so many beautiful skin tones, shapes, kinds of hair ...one of my brothers is asian and he used to BEG my mom to bathe him in bleach so he would come out blond and blue eyed. when she asked him why (because we are all darkish - italian blood), he said that blond/blue is the most american/powerful. also, since he was brown for so long, he had to make up for it by going to the other extreme. is that not the saddest thing youhave ever heard? he is just a gorgeous kid, too. after 28 years he is still coming to terms with race because of IMAGE as much as anything.
actually, i love this site because pple look normal. a real body is way sexier than a starved, airbrushed body. i mean, naturally occuring waifs can be way sexy too. however, if you look like a lollipop b/c yr head is 3x the size of yr body, there is a problem. and ya know, four is too young for porn, but when she hits those teenage years and rebels (my sis is way WAY middle america) she is MINE. and i WILL show her whatever images work the mental etch as sketch such that she can be who ever she is and love herself.
kos, you SO know what matters in raising yr wee one. i am HORRIFIED that she even knows what being fat is! how deranged is that mom? disturbingness. i growl in her general direction - grrrrrrrrrr.
now, the thing i DO love is when people so own themselves that they take on their own stylized identity. that rocks out loud.
ok, you guys are awesome. btw, i noticed you are all CTers. i used to live in meriden! my italian family is up there in meridan and middletown.
i am off to FINALLY turn in my last paper - YAAAAAAAAAY! still have tons of students to grade, but that is cake.

ok, so i have one last paper before the term ends. woohoo! i cannot wait for winter break. i will finally get to indulge in books that i want to re/read. delightfulness.
books are truly one of the greatest pleasures in life. mind, many is the somatic pleasure that i enjoy, but reading is this abstract imaginary, yet totally real activity. there is an existential...
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books are truly one of the greatest pleasures in life. mind, many is the somatic pleasure that i enjoy, but reading is this abstract imaginary, yet totally real activity. there is an existential...
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I just remembered to say it, ULTRA GOOD LUCK to you on your paper and your studies in general. Hard to type with fingers on one hand crossed for you.

gracias, all of you lovely new friends! my weary eyes are closing for tonight, but more tomorrow.
peace out.
peace out.

oh wow! same day gratification - my favorite. tx - i will check out yr journals as well.
gah - i am still writing and wishing for some sort of reprieve. the last 8 pages are always the hardest, right? i think my eyeballs might burst into flame from staring at a computer for soooo long. alas, one more week.
wow - how boring to...
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gah - i am still writing and wishing for some sort of reprieve. the last 8 pages are always the hardest, right? i think my eyeballs might burst into flame from staring at a computer for soooo long. alas, one more week.
wow - how boring to...
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I loved your post in my journal. I couldnt agree more. You are my type of people. I am poor as dirt and still manage to give to charity, as do most poor as dirt people out there, cause no matter how bad i have it, there is someone out there that has it worse. I really hope to get to know you better.
Take care and UPDATE your journal, i really want to read what you have to say.
Take care and UPDATE your journal, i really want to read what you have to say.

tx kos! an update will be posted today.

hi all - my first journal entry. hmmm, i don't know if anyone will read this or not, but i guess here goes nothin'. i was just taking a break from writing my term paper (about sex, natch) to look at the foxy chicas on this site. always a lovely breather, no?
hmmmm, while writing into the abyss is an interesting concept, i am gonna...
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hmmmm, while writing into the abyss is an interesting concept, i am gonna...
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Hello sent.
I hope to see yopu around
I hope to see yopu around
Thank you, thank you, thank you!