i skipped out of work today
the fever didnt go away and im still all sick like
i left the house this morning to go along with my lady on a job interview and thats about it
been home doped up on cold meds all day
got some reading in, sleep, and played WoW
i'm totally confused on what time/day it is.
i didnt even...
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the fever didnt go away and im still all sick like
i left the house this morning to go along with my lady on a job interview and thats about it
been home doped up on cold meds all day
got some reading in, sleep, and played WoW
i'm totally confused on what time/day it is.
i didnt even...
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Glad you guys made it out tonight. Hope you feel better. Katamari may help cure what ails ya 

you know what i talkin' boyee,

so i've ended up with a cold and a bitchass fever
on one of the hottest days of the year too
fucking lovely
i think i may actually call out of work today..
i take about 1 sick day a year so i think im about due
maybe i'll escort my lady to a job interview she has in the morning.
i hate to see...
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on one of the hottest days of the year too
fucking lovely
i think i may actually call out of work today..
i take about 1 sick day a year so i think im about due
maybe i'll escort my lady to a job interview she has in the morning.
i hate to see...
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Hey sweetie.
Thank you for the escort. The interview wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
I keep coughing up my lungs...no more cigarettes for me. Especially since I got given the "you should quit smoking now" speech at the doctors yesterday...I'm never telling them I smoke ever again.
I'm sad about my ears. It will be my first time without earrings in about 20 years...thats a long time.
I wish I was home with your right now.
Thank you for the escort. The interview wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
I keep coughing up my lungs...no more cigarettes for me. Especially since I got given the "you should quit smoking now" speech at the doctors yesterday...I'm never telling them I smoke ever again.
I'm sad about my ears. It will be my first time without earrings in about 20 years...thats a long time.

I wish I was home with your right now.
I had a portabella mushroom sandwich with fries from Marathon for lunch. I was sick of my normal three options so I thought I would try something new.
The sandwich was ok, not that good, and the fries weren't flavored, not even with salt.
I'm never trying anything new ever again.
The sandwich was ok, not that good, and the fries weren't flavored, not even with salt.
I'm never trying anything new ever again.
my eyes are burning and i cant see that straight
my allergies are kicking my ass and i think i'm getting a cold
i hate being sick when its hot out...ugh...
my allergies are kicking my ass and i think i'm getting a cold
i hate being sick when its hot out...ugh...

As if the heat isn't bad enough! Try Cold EZZ or Airbourne they seem to work good.
I'm so tired I can barely function. All I want to do is go home and go back to sleep.
I'm worried about you sweetie...it makes me sad to see you sick.
I'm worried about you sweetie...it makes me sad to see you sick.

so my hellish overworked week has come to an end
wasnt as bad or unbearable as i had envisioned
my boss man hooked me up with a hundred dollar cash bonus
he does that whenever im working too much and it looks like i want to kill everyone around me..
it pays to scowl.
hmm...weekend plans are so far non-existent
my friend from Seattle is...
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wasnt as bad or unbearable as i had envisioned
my boss man hooked me up with a hundred dollar cash bonus
he does that whenever im working too much and it looks like i want to kill everyone around me..
it pays to scowl.

hmm...weekend plans are so far non-existent
my friend from Seattle is...
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thanks. I appreciate it. Its so nice and warm out here. I'm toasty
Yeah, you are right about me being lucky about the road rash. my bag took the brunt of the sliding and it shows. looks like i need to either get another one or see what can be done to fix this one.
I called the guy that i hit and he is ok and seems to be cool about paying for the damage. I'm not sure though. when i called him this afternoon he seemed like he had a 5 letter vocabulary. all he could say was yes and ok.
Check my pictures section tomorrow to see the bag / road rash. I should be taking pictures later tonight and uploading them.
I called the guy that i hit and he is ok and seems to be cool about paying for the damage. I'm not sure though. when i called him this afternoon he seemed like he had a 5 letter vocabulary. all he could say was yes and ok.
Check my pictures section tomorrow to see the bag / road rash. I should be taking pictures later tonight and uploading them.
Philly is hot, sweaty, disgusting, stanky, grimy and ugly.
i'm still at odds with the summer weather.
we dont get along too well
my a/c is having little effect on our living room
i cant sit still when it's this hot out
i need to forget my troubles and since beer is scarce in this house, i think i'll lose at little bit more of...
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i'm still at odds with the summer weather.
we dont get along too well
my a/c is having little effect on our living room
i cant sit still when it's this hot out
i need to forget my troubles and since beer is scarce in this house, i think i'll lose at little bit more of...
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Baby got Backpack is AWESOME. admit it.

wow...i just looked at Philadelphia University's website...wow...I want to go there and make textiles for a living. I think i've found what I want to do...I'm so excited!
the weekend was good..took most of my money but still good overall
saw They Might be Giants on saturaday with some of the sg philly crew and about a thousand little kids. it was a weird mix of people in the crowd..i just felt really old.
i hadn't seen TMBG in about twelve years. they were still a fun show to see.
my lady and...
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saw They Might be Giants on saturaday with some of the sg philly crew and about a thousand little kids. it was a weird mix of people in the crowd..i just felt really old.
i hadn't seen TMBG in about twelve years. they were still a fun show to see.
my lady and...
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Hiking, sight seeing, rambling. Basically went there to hang out with a friend of mine who had moved out there, and we just did everything.
I think we spent the first 3 days just seeing as much as we could. Drive by tourism as he put it. I went to 4 of the 5 national parks there!
Damn, I wanted to see that TMBG show... where did you get a port mush samich??
I think we spent the first 3 days just seeing as much as we could. Drive by tourism as he put it. I went to 4 of the 5 national parks there!
Damn, I wanted to see that TMBG show... where did you get a port mush samich??
I don't get to play as much as I want to, so I'm just shy of level 18. I'm also really cautious. I dont' like dying, so I explore slowly, take the roads most places, that sort of thing.
I'm going to go play in a minute, I just have a few more things to do here!
I'm going to go play in a minute, I just have a few more things to do here!

ok so not much happening
work is running me down
too many people took vacations this week, so im left scrambling to keep this place going.
it's exhausting
i've realized i need to move somewhere cheaper, but the catch is i have to save money to afford to move and thats not happening right now..
so i'm completly freaking out about money and the lack...
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work is running me down
too many people took vacations this week, so im left scrambling to keep this place going.
it's exhausting
i've realized i need to move somewhere cheaper, but the catch is i have to save money to afford to move and thats not happening right now..
so i'm completly freaking out about money and the lack...
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thanks a lot!
from the looks of things you aren't to happy with your job.
from the looks of things you aren't to happy with your job.
money problems suck. i have had plenty of em myself.

I think Tino is gay.
And this is freaking me out man.
And just in case you get bored again: try this.
And this is freaking me out man.

And just in case you get bored again: try this.
Devastatin Dave is a musical god! That troll is awesome!
You my friend are officially a junkie. 

so we are blowing off our trip to Coney Island and the Siren festival to hang out here in philly
my lady and i are going to the Bastille Day festivities at the Eastern State Penitentiary.
they have people dressed up as French revolutionaries who storm the "Bastille" and then capture Marie Antoinette and drag her to a real, functioning guillotine.
the crowd gets...
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my lady and i are going to the Bastille Day festivities at the Eastern State Penitentiary.
they have people dressed up as French revolutionaries who storm the "Bastille" and then capture Marie Antoinette and drag her to a real, functioning guillotine.
the crowd gets...
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TastyKake Butterscotch Krimpit is such a fancy name for twinkie!

So I went on Nike's site...even though they're evil. You can custom design a pair of Air rifts. Like I can pick all the colors for it...even in the insole. It costs $100 but i would be able to get orange and black Sneakers!!!
I don't plan on buying them, but its a cool concept anyway. Maybe I'll save up my piggie bank for a pair.
I don't plan on buying them, but its a cool concept anyway. Maybe I'll save up my piggie bank for a pair.
once again i should be asleep.
i've heard its overrated anyway
i've averaged 4 hrs of sleep a night this past week
i'm stupid, i know
i blame society and video games, more specificallyWoW
and the internet..why must it be so god damn tempting
our netflix viewing has drop to a new low.
we've had one movie for a month now and have yet to...
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i've heard its overrated anyway
i've averaged 4 hrs of sleep a night this past week
i'm stupid, i know
i blame society and video games, more specificallyWoW
and the internet..why must it be so god damn tempting

our netflix viewing has drop to a new low.
we've had one movie for a month now and have yet to...
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That man's bulge is mildly arousing....
why can't you have an outfit like that!
why can't you have an outfit like that!
If you had a two year old daughter you would really know what it's like to not sleep.
Netflicks is overrated, I love my On Demand.
If you had a two year old daughter you would really know what it's like to not sleep.
Netflicks is overrated, I love my On Demand.
i wish normal people would just stay the hell away from video games
they have it in their head that only children and teenagers are playing these games
im sick and tired of people blaming society ills on a bunch of animated pixels.
sorry, i got my blood all worked up
i just found out that the lovely Hilary Clinton is going after the makers...
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they have it in their head that only children and teenagers are playing these games
im sick and tired of people blaming society ills on a bunch of animated pixels.
sorry, i got my blood all worked up
i just found out that the lovely Hilary Clinton is going after the makers...
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She wont be able to do anything about it. Tipper Gore tried, and failed horribly. Freedom of Speech still exists...
You need to sleep poo-butt!
Your always staying up late..going on the line..
Sigh...silly boy!
And Hilary has always gotten into my craw..I never liked her and i hope she doesn't run for president. This is just another reason why I reeeaalllyy don't like her.
Stupid people..stupid!
Your always staying up late..going on the line..
Sigh...silly boy!
And Hilary has always gotten into my craw..I never liked her and i hope she doesn't run for president. This is just another reason why I reeeaalllyy don't like her.
Stupid people..stupid!