Man, have I really had an account here for four years? Seems a bit weird to me since I am not very active in this community...

Updates... graduated. Still looking for a job. Dismal.

Other than that, my life is boring. Haven't been doing much, not more than trying to find things to fill my days. Dull.
Long time no post. Per usual I suppose. I almost forgot I had another year on my SG account since I forgot to cancel it.

So much has happened since my last post.

Back in May, a friend of mine from high school passed away from a shooting. It was tragic and struck a chord in me that I didn't expect. It made anatomy class...
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Long time no update. I assure you I am alive. I just spend a lot of time around dead things...
So I finally found where my nail clippers are and you will not believe the immense pleasure I got from cutting my fingernails.

I seriously feel so good right now.

I feel so much happier now that they are at a tolerable length. I have this fear that when they get too long (or longer than I'd like) that they would get ripped off, resulting...
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I got my second tattoo today. All I can say is ouch. I'm such a baby. I'm really happy with it though.

I thought it was interesting that both my tattoos come from poems relating to passion.

Catullus 85
by Catullus

I hate and I love. Why do I do this, perhaps you ask?
I know not, but I feel it happening and I...
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Hello, hello.

I decided to come back. Why? I'm planning on getting my second tattoo on Thursday and while thinking of tattoos, I thought of SG and started to really miss it. And so, I have returned (at almost 4 in the morning no less...). Joy!

So what has gone on in my life in the past, oh, two years...

Been through a slew of...
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My housemate's friend came over the other day. I was in the kitchen so I opened the door for him. He gave me this look and asked me if I was someone's younger sister. Then he said that I looked like I was 16.

That makes me sad.
I have a cousin who's turning 22 this year who looks like she's still 16. Needless to say, she gets carded all the time. My first gf had similar issues... she once got told she had to be 'at least 16' to go into an arcade. She was 21 at the time. At most recently, my godsister was at a new job where some people were surprised she came in at a relatively senior position... they thought she was barely 21. She's 29.

The trials of being asian, I guess. smile
Ah, you'll love it when you are 30.
As soon as I shaved off my goatee and grew my hair longer, I get carded everywhere they don't know me. Could be worse I guess.
-J wink
I had some great break-up sex last night. And I am feeling SO good today. He feels like shit though. I don't think he likes seeing me happy.

But I feel so good!