Great night last night. Wish I could remember more of it. My remaining friends (we're on spring break) and I went to our usual bar, where there was a good band playing. Now, I had met one of the members on their previous tour through our little town, so I had reason to go, say hi, whatever. Unfortunately I was a little too excited about...
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's cool. I was just kinda hoping it was a typo, seeing as how, you know, I had a comma out of place one time and you just HAD to say something wink

Which is fine. I'm a quote Nazi. Somebody misquotes something and I'm aware of the fact, I let them know.
Honestly if I won the lottery I'd be set...donate half to a charity, and the rest would cover teh expense of buying a music production studio, and go to my family.

Haha your method of picking up guys works on me! wink

Avoiding work. Really, what difference does it all make? Who cares how Spike Lee used sound in film? Well, I used to. But then writing about it killed the magic of it, so now I'm in hate mode. Damn you thesis!! mad

I hope everyone else's week was better than mine. Thankfully the weekend is near, so there's a little respite. Respite? Sometimes I just come...
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From dictionary.com

"Amalgamation: 2. The mixing or blending of different elements, races, societies, etc.; also, the result of such combination or blending; a homogeneous union "

save you the trouble wink

i didn't even notice my error, either. that's the kind of mistake an english teacher would point out. usually with red ink and an arrow tongue
oh aren't we riding high on that horse. I turn bullshitting into an artform. you'd just make it sound better using big words and stuff!
Ahh, I love weekends. smile My friends and I hit Philly last night, where I not only got free cover and had the bouncer pay for my coat check, but two guys just randomly bought me drinks. I didn't have to ask them or anything! (I saw the bartender pour them, looking out for that whole unfortunate drugging thing that sometimes happens...)

I'm really excited for...
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hey lets get an apartment together so you don't have to go back to Jersey and I can get he hell out of this fuckin town and on with my life!
Hello...where are you going to school?... Oh no are you gonna be a JerzeyGirl this summer?... Don't leave Philly! Oh well have a GREAT weekend wink
What a nice boy that Asvetic is. smile I find it shocking when someone buys me lunch/dinner/anything... It was fun.

Okay, so it seems everywhere there is talk of sex or people having it or whatever. This is a recent occurrence and I don't really like it. It just reminds me that I ain't gettin any. frown Which makes me bitter mad And frustrated blackeyed

Alright, alright... That is...
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The sad thing is I go to a mostly women's college too. Of course, everyone in the class was shocked and the whole school was talking about it afterwards...but still, sad that that attitude exists here.
do you know who the actor is?? weird. I never really knew. it was just a weird cartoon crush.

I am forever haunted by boys with J names. The most recent one was a Jason, as was my first real boyfriend. The second boyfriend was a Jared, there have been two other friends with issues named Jared, two Josh's, a Jorg, a few Jeremy's, a Jimmy, Jim, John, Johnny, Justin, a Derek who wanted to change his name to Jack...gah.
I thought I was in the clear. But no...
My roommates got me sick frown I was doing really well too, but today my throat started to hurt lots. Also, I don't know why, but I'm having trouble with the cough drops. They keep sliding down, so I must have ingested about two whole ones already. So retarded I am. *sigh*

This is my to-do list...
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Hey, you're really cute. Just thought you should know love
hey thanks for the lunch date, that was fun, sorry it just felt so sorta thrown together and completely un-inspired. Bryn Mawr is pretty and I do like the area, I just don't think I could afford to live in a place like that. Work yes, live no. So I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed and hope I do find a nice job near there and an equally awesome apartment close by.

Thanks for keeping me company and showing me around for those 2 hours. We'll have hang out again. smile
Friday night at home. That is just fine with me. It's been a crazy week and a really busy day, so I am looking forward to sleep tonight. smile

I finally have a profile pic! Since I am not good with the whole computer picture stuff, my buddy Asvetic made me this. And I am forever grateful. kiss

Tomorrow is the dreaded day. I have absolutely no...
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Well, the weekend mostly consisted of drinking. It started at TGIFridays on Saturday, then continued at Bennigans later that night. After sleeping until 3pm on Sunday, the party resumed in the form of a friends birthday. After going to Hooters (which is by far one of the shittiest bars on the earth), we went to Chucky Cheese's for some unknown reason. Mind you, I wasn't drunk. After playing Ski Ball for 2 hours, we retired to a friends house, and knocked back a case and a half of Yuengling. I woke up today around noon, and thus realized that my weekend was over. Thankfully, I don't have to work until 1:30 tomorrow.
Yeah, parents as Valentines kinda suck, and probabaly should have stopped in the 6th grade. It was the only card I got this year, and all I got in it was an air freshener for my car (no flowers because, well, I'm a boy wink )
I have to replace that previous entry. As if it isn't enough for me to complain to everyone around me about my thesis, I also have to do it on here? No. This is officially a thesis-free zone.

Anyway, I'm so excited because I'm on my way out! It's been two weeks since I've had fun and dammit, I need some excitement! (even if it...
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Yay! Someday I'll be able to see the anonymous face of Another Lost Soul... Hope you feel better than I did tomorrow! Party Thesis-free...
Thanks for the music suggestions...kinda. No Doubt are cool. I went to high school with them. Pssst Gwen wears too much make-up. tongue
I hate mornings. Although it's not really morning anymore. But it seems like it, okay?!?! Grrrr...

Waiting for inspiration or at least some sort of motivation to get my mind functioning. Today is thesis day, as will be the rest of the week. Anyone who has any insights on the way Spike Lee uses scores in his films, I would LOVE to hear them! smile
hell ya Gary Oldman rocks! I have seen The Professional a zillion times and...I have his autograph!!
Heh! I also bought Run Lola Run at Wal-Mart for 3.88. I see you like that, too. We rock.Like Gary Oldman, we do. wink
It's been a long damn time since I saw a Spike Lee film...so lets try to remember.

Spike Lee uses powerful music to put emphasis on the themes of his films. The songs or scores are carefully chosen to reflect either the characters feelings, or their surroundings.

Ok....aside from that...I got nothin. I'd have to watch a few of them again to help ya. Sorry.
Right, so...

I met a guy. I like him. But there are always problems. mad

He's in a band and I saw him playing at a bar that I often go to. He sought me out (which NEVER happens to me) during their break and came and chatted me up after the set. Honestly, I am very impressed by him. He really seems to have his...
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Well, the journal entry you gave me was good .... exactly what i thought ! And im special so i should be able to do what i want ! Hmmm your problem ...... I think you should go to the next show, simply because you have nothing to lose but something to gain ! If it works out then .... YAY ! But if it doesnt work out then ah well, at least you tried ! Was that insightful ? Ah well kiss
thanks for the comments on my pics.
go see his band again if they are close and if he talks to you ask him to join you for a drink and just have small conversation to find out more about him
Remind me not to allow drunk girls in my room. One friend, who absolutely cannot handle her alcohol, broke the d key off my computer keyboard. How she did this, who the hell knows. But now there's a hole in the middle of my laptop and it's pissing me off. mad

I never thought I'd say this, but thank god for school. If I had to...
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Hey...you can get a replacement key at Spencer Gifts. They got this 3 pack of buttons. Dammit, Panic, and Any. Slap one of those on there, and watch your friend who can't handle her alcohol get really confused.

And that permanent fixture thing? Ah well, I've had a few of those. Too bad I get dropped into the "friends" catagory before I even stand a chance. Sometimes I really hate myself. But you're right. We do move at our own pace.

One question though. If you're itching to get out of the house, how come you're wishing for a snow day?

Oh...and are you going to SGB on the 4th?
Very weird week. I watched enormous amounts of tv and went up to Massachusetts this weekend to visit a friend. I'm also listening to Audioslave on a regular basis, which seems to calm me down a bit. I almost had a panic attack last week at the mention of impending law school attendance. Ugh. I wish I had more guts to do what I really...
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so you couldn't even give me something to start with. Something abstract is abit abstract in itself. I want to represent you as best I can, so you'll have to give me alittle more input.

Oh, and you don't have to get all bent out of shape when I mention a profile pic would be nice. It's just a matter of preferences here...
Chris Cornell rocks.

Ugh...I know all about things being scattered. AND the alone feeling. Just keep these things in mind... (caution: Ensuing words of wisdom)

1) Life is meant to be scattered. It's just one big puzzle. What's the fun in buying a puzzle that's already put together? You place one piece at a time, just like you take life one day at a time.

2) No matter how alone you feel, you're never really alone. Someone is always watching over you, and someone always has your back when you need them.

Hope I've been a little help. smile
On hiatus. Or not... Whatever you would like to call the parent's house. Not really a vacation since there is constant nagging and disapproving comments and/or looks. *sigh*

I'm really looking forward to the new year. It's that cheesy old theory of getting a new start, but I really have a feeling that 2004 will be a good year. Actually, it's more of a hope......
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you need a profile picture, your the only buddy I have that doesn't have one, and it's very weird. So get on the ball aready!
nice work passing the buck onto me like that...I'm not really sure what your looking for, since actual pictures of one's self are unobtainable...better give me some ideas so I can run free with scissors in hand...