Well that was weird...

So I met the ex today and was all very matey but one thing lead to another, we did a lot of serious talking and now we are in some strange kind of place that I have never been before with a woman. I don't feel scared this time round, just, well, confused I think.

We are going to keep seeing...
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Can we really do this?

I am meeting my ex today to hang out, go gadget hunting, maybe get some food and just be mates and do matey stuff, and I am wondering if we can really make it. We're both kinda lonely and we found something we really thought we needed in each other. Now we don't have that, just the memories of what...
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I don' t think its weird at all,
The whole question is, will you be able to spend time together without feeling strange about it...
Time will tell!
I had a big ass freak out yesterday.

It's suddenly started to dawn on me that Uni is nearly over and I am gonna have to go out there and lead a real life, with a real job and stuff, and not sure I like the idea.

I am lucky in that I have a part-time job that pays really well and is enough for...
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Oh! I have this same problem. Even thoe people think I'm really super-popular, and yes I know a lots of people. But in the end I always spend my time alone working and blogging.. Pathetic? Maybe. Or maybe it is just an illnes of our times. There is no recepie for this - I had lots of friends when I started to go to every party in one club. First was bartenders, then the resto of staff, the dj, manager and so on... Maybe it is a tip.
My housemates are assholes...

It's official.

Last night, after months of arguments and me being as polite as humanly possible I came to the conclusion that my housemates really are assholes. I was supposed to be up at five-thirty this morning, and I was, but that didn't stop them making shit loads of noise in the room above me despite me saying I was going...
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yes. yes, you do.
coffee is your saviour.

hell, coffee is how I function most days...
I very much like your response in here biggrin

when it's not used properly.

Anyone who as been reading my blogs over the last few days - all three of you, thanks for the comment - know I have had a rough few weeks and have been doing a lot of thinking...

I've been reading this book, about a kid with cancer who's a dead girl walking, and there was this...
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I realised today that sometimes, no matter how much you want something to work it's not going to. If you've read my previous blog then you probably know what I am talking about. It's a pretty simple story; guy meets girl, falls in love, or thinks he does, then realises he's not so sure and eventually feels like it's all crashing down around him.

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I'm sorry. *hugs*
I split with my girlfriend today. She told me she was gutted because she really cares about me, because of all the things we won't do together, and because of the fact that she is just another name on 'the list'. The list that she's referring to is the women I have run away from or finished things with after two or three months of...
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Charity shops are awesome! I mean we all knew this anyway cuz they help lots of needy people and so on, but lately they have been doing wonders for my music collection as well. Just been going in when I have money and buying up loads of cd's, and I've got hold of some corkers. There's a few classics that I knew I would like...
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hey m'man!

I hope your holidays have been the best!

with love

Okay, maybe I am just being pedantic but it seems to me like a lot of the models on SG are becoming less and less aligned with the ethos that SG started out with, and as such the things that made this bloody site interesting in the first place. I mean don't get me wrong, most if not all of the girl are gorgeous, but...
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I should bloody well hope not. The skinny thing shouldn't be an issue, and I think SG are aware that people feel that way and worry about it. Now I think they do post sets with PSWs in, but I think this is more about giving the illusion that they are not sizist than that being the reality. I'm not going to say which sets I mean as it implies the models only got on the front page for that reason and not that they deserve to be there, which is bollox, but you see what I am saying right?
You do notice the change in their look but I've yet to go to read their profile. Slippery slope my friend
Hi there peeps

I know my blogs haven't exactly been regular lately. Just been so much going on that I haven't had a lot of time to write on here. I need to make the time to get on here and get my words down; if nothing else its good practice. Writers write as they say, and I haven't been doing as much of that...
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That was tongue in cheek stuff, just for the record. I'm too lazy to hate a whole country.
In deed! It's all such a mind trip for sure.

I'll learn it eventually, but if you figure it out before me...

Pray you help me smile