I love going round and round in my office chair. Instead of working I watch myself move as the room stays still. I think gravity is funny. The way it looks when you're moving, the control you acquire with will. You ever felt like maybe the room was moving too fast and you were standing still and it wasn't the twirl of the world? When...
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i am not too fond of suicide girls. does this make me an odd gay wad?
i have therapy next sun. but i wish it was this sun. 'cause i miss my therapist badly. i think about fucking her all the time.
adelphia finally came through with internet but i will complain that i had to wait a fucking month.
i wrote this poem recently:...
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i have therapy next sun. but i wish it was this sun. 'cause i miss my therapist badly. i think about fucking her all the time.
adelphia finally came through with internet but i will complain that i had to wait a fucking month.
i wrote this poem recently:...
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well, mostly because i've been reading roboticnation.blogspot.com obsessively, and so that has gotten me reading about robotics in general, and i keep running across references to the three laws, so i figured i'd just go to the horse's proverbial mouth, and this is a runon sentence.
so far it's pretty good.
so far it's pretty good.

nice poem !
you friend VM has just told me to see your journal because it seems we have the same political views.
so I will have a look on your journal
you friend VM has just told me to see your journal because it seems we have the same political views.
so I will have a look on your journal

i can't type for shit. cut my hands off please!
Hey, check out http://members.cox.net/keithdaniels/warpresBIG.jpg - I don't know, I think you'd appreciate it on both political and technical merits.
I'd just like to say for anyone thinking this member is dead, she's actually been without internet for quite a while. She signed up from my computer. In otherwords, she's alive, and might actually be by for an update Monday, provided her provider gets it's ass in gear.
Oh, and Angust - look at my hometown and tell me if you think there's any chance I could go back there and NOT try to climb in a wood chipper. :p
Oh, and Angust - look at my hometown and tell me if you think there's any chance I could go back there and NOT try to climb in a wood chipper. :p
From My Hand
Spherical Jigsaw Puzzle...
9.5" diameter, a revolutionary jigsaaw puzzle! and it is alllll mine, YAY!
9.5" diameter, a revolutionary jigsaaw puzzle! and it is alllll mine, YAY!

Maybe someday we'll get to finish sorting out the numbers on it.. 

I'm sure there HAS to be somebody out there for you. The tough part is finding someone you WANT AND wants you back.. I've noticed that, thanks to your help, people are talking to me more.. and I realize that it's not just as simple as finding somebody that's available. Ya know? Err, dumb question, I know you do.
You really should post more on a forum or something, or else noone will know you are around here. And yes, as I've said, I'm very lame.. I've spent the past twenty minutes here ranting about US policies. I don't think I've actually seen even a naked picture anywhere for a week, unless you count a couple horrendous joke pictures.
Since your too busy hangin' with your sis to be on-line (Damn her!! lol) I'm just sending you a link to one of the more.. interesting sites on the net, SomethingAwful - I'm not sure if it's really your type of humor, but they have everything from bizzare photoshop images to movie reviews to sections entitled "The Horrors of Porn" to .. well, just about everything. It's one of the better rant sites out there.
I miss you! We've got to get togethor sometime in the next week for A) Hanging out, B) Helping you with any computer stuff you may need help with, and C) So I can finally say hi to your sister, who I'm starting to believe is a clever conspiracy and doesn't exsist except in altered photographs.
You better say hi sometime tomorrow or I'm gonna be