oh god, just when things are starting to look up... devastating things happen... blaine, my on and off bf of about 6 years has officially and completely abandoned ship. i don't want to be serious with him right now, i have interests in other people and he just can't deal with it. he can't handle the open relationship. this sux. it is really painful to...
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frown frown Hope you had a Happy Valentine's day in spite of it all. *big hug* kiss kiss
I'm sorry to hear that kid.
Things have been going really really well for me lately. I had to drop a class, but it was definately for the best and now I've been focusing on my (really fuckin interesting) Space, Place, Gender, Identity class and senior work and both are going pretty well. I interviewed a very interesting squatter woman the other day, the interviews are starting to match up, commonalities...
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What is an ibook? A friend of mine just told me- in an email- that he got one of those. Sounds interesting. Lucky you- seeing Billy Bragg. Whiskey's always good, too. I've actually been into warm sake, lately. But I think the Bushmill's does call. Damn the snow!
still snowing!
sounds like your having fun...

keep it up!
hmmmm. my business started this week, even though classes don't start until monday, i now have 8 pages of my thesis written (more than other seniors have apparently) so i'm proud of myself for that. I started both my internships this week... feel free to check out this site *must promote it avidly* Left Forum it should be a really interesting conference, anything where activists...
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oh forget it. shocked

[Edited on Jan 21, 2006 7:31PM]
Ooo a new set from you would be amazing....

Good luck with all the work. Being a senior is scary!! Ug that reminds me..I have grad applications to do this weekend... whatever
so, i haven't really done shit this week, my nephew gave me his cold and so i've kinda just been chilling... once again talking alot of shit about writing my thesis but more or less avoiding it (i did write the first two pages though, so that's something)... sunday was a bit of an odd day cuz first i got an email from my *crush*...
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yay happy you like my new set w0o! and girl i really would love to seee a new set by you, your fucking gorgeous and ya my dreads sister! hehe smile i reckon a set with us both.... would be fucking hot stuff....... shocked

i was in NYC last may, no idea when ill be back..... come visit in europe biggrin hehehe kiss kiss
oi polloi...i think my friends band has a member of oi polloi in it. they are playing in nyc saturday. random thought..carry on.
Aaahhhh! That is the sound of relief of an overly-studious girl on break... and it feels so fuckin good... I've vowed to work on my senior work everyday from now until its done but haven't really been doing that, but i have scheduled more interviews, which is really important, i actually think the hardest part is just going to be writing the intro, the literature...
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hi! love love love love love

soooo...you want to be my friend....what has heresy been telling you????? wink

it sounds as if you have your hands full. enjoy the break.
Hey kids, finally, break is here... i've been back at my mom's in new haven, putsing around doing nothing... i did the whole xmas thing, that was fun... got the new kate bush album, its quite good. got a new jacket to replace the bomber i've had for like 5 years... my finals finished up nicely... i came closer than ever to getting straight A's......
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Happy New Year! kiss kiss
i have a habit of randomly seeing people i know in nyc. that's what makes it fun to go there.

i'm not so depressed...i just never thought about new years as anything significant before, but the more i think about the tradition of reflecting on the past year and making a new years resolution to change sounds really cool to me all of a sudden. i like being able to just say "fuck it" and disconnect myself from what's holding me back.

if you see mya while you're in NH say hi.

[Edited on Jan 01, 2006 2:10PM]
Hey there all!! Sorry I haven't written in so long, as my last entry hinted at, I've been fighting a shitstorm of work lately... but its all wrapping up. In just two weeks the semester will be over, i only have one more final paper to write... and then i will have only 1 semester left of college...hoorah! And me and the sexy prof. will...
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MERRY XMAS, Beautiful!!!!

love ARRR!!!
Happy Holidays!
This has been the most stressful week of the semester thus far and this has been the busiest semester i've ever had. School has consumed my life but i've accepted that that's what needs to happen if i'm ever going to graduate in may! thanx for everyone who gave me such encouraging comments about my senior work... its coming along slowly but surely. I'm totally...
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hang in there, love.

i guarantee one day you'll look back at "when i was in college" and "had all that free time..." and wonder what happened.... smile

do you make lists? i'm a chronic list maker. my favorites are lists of lists!!

I envy you partly. I use to love the college grind but hated the work. Now I'm in class without grades...Its kinda fun seeing my class mates take notes and me just sit there writing in my notebool.
what up, kids? I'm just doing my weekly (kinda?) update. Just got outta class with hot prof. sat so close to him during bladerunner i could smell him and wanted to grab his beautiful hand... oh well, its a useless kinda infatuation.
I'm actually really over my classes, but my excitement about my senior thesis is only building. I went to the library yesterday and...
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Thanks for writing back smile

Yeah I am done in May as well (I'm at Skidmore College). I'm going right into grad school the next year to get my PhD in math. I'm crazy like that hehe.

Whats your major/thesis topic?
Oh, I'm so excited!!!! So as y'all know I've been working on my senior thesis, or more worrying about it than actually working on it and its just been crazy. Anyway, there is this book that is great and has been the most helpful with my research on squatters, because, very little has been written about them, especially recently, anyway it is called No Trespassing...
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have a good birthday, day! kiss biggrin
Squatters? That's awesome- I've known many and have had some nice hung over mornings in many a squat. How's it going so far?

It's nice to actually get a break from the rain now. This reply is kinda late.

Happy Birthday, too! You share one with one of my other music colleagues.
I just ate dinner at Cosi and Adrien Brody walked in and sat at the table right next to my friend and I and proceeded to eat pizza. It was very strange, and he is very hot, and at first I was like, that guy looks just like Adrien Brody and then I looked again and i was like that is Adrien Brody. But i...
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Chumbawumba IS pretty cool. Even despite that whole thing.
The closest we come to seeing celebrities here is when our MP comes to town.
life is glorious.

um, with school: yeah, very few of us know how we managed to graduate. it gets pulled out of proverbial asses. let the stress just roll by you, and you'll skate through just like the rest of us....
working things out academically... god senior work is fucking daunting... but i have a great new teacher who will help me... and i randomly met this dude the other day who is an advisee of David Harvey, who is one of the main scholars whose work I draw on in mine and this dude who studies with him was interested in my work about squatters...
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hey, I'm super busy this weekend but call me anyway and I'll see if we can figure something out. xo
just sending a shout out to my sisters

warrior goddess manifesto
Mother earth gave birth to her daughters.
who have elaborate cycles that move as the moon
moves, and change as the tides change.
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate

Men only try to control us
because we are something to reckon with
Just like they will climb a mountain
with a flag in hand.
they want their own brand for us.
but we will not allow such branding
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate.

I am a sexual being
and men fear that too
so they want to control it
but I am also a intelligent, strong, unique being
and I am controlled by no one
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate

The moon is my sister
and I will not fear when we walk together.
even if I am physically alone.
no one, no shadow, no knife, or gun
will tell me when and where I will walk.
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate.

Together womyn are a force of high tides
rapid winds and rain that could flood a city
and they will try and pull us apart.
but instead we rip through their patriarchy.
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate.

I will not fight my sisters
I will not combeat for beauty
or beat her self-esteem so I may regain my own.
I will love her as I love myself.
and feel lucky when I am in their pressence.
we are all warrior goddessess incarnate.

turn off the TV that says menstral blood is tabu.
your menstral blood is your gate way of choices.
choose to be pregnant, learn your flow and choose
not to be pregnant. our bodies are ours alone.
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate.

Do not limit yourself to men
but do not sleep with womyn for men
womyn together are a force to reckon with, remember.
don't be afraid to hug her at the least.
she is your sister after all.
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate.

when a sister is raped, or beaten
by any man of any background.
we will stand tall and chant his name and shame.
Her voice will be loud and thunderous
not silent and low.
her experience will go down in history
as well as his dirty face
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate.

so read these words, and her me
my sisters. we should pull together
and become the warrior goddesses that
the earth mother intended us to be.
because we are all warrior goddesses incarnate