I am glad you enjoyed yourself and found some peace. Your goal of making your room a calm peaceful sanctuary is a good idea. Also setting some time aside each day to draw will help too.
Your first time doing drugs!? I'm glad you survived! I did more than I've ever done before, that's for sure. I did ecstasy the first night and it was sooo goooood. You should try it at least once, especially the good stuff. The second night I did a mix of mushrooms and ecstasy which was really fun, I was out of my tree the whole night and I didn't realize it but I took more than any of my friends, eeek. The third night I knew I should probably take it easy so I only did one tab of ecstasy. Tuesday was the worst day of my life after coming down, but now things are pretty much back to normal except for my nasty cold. I wish I had seen you, I was the only girl in my little group of friends. I can't wait for next year, we will have to co-ordinate a big rendevous so everyone we know can meet up!