I'm really fucking bored. My wife and I are going out to an Indian restaurant for dinner this evening, after which we're going to an opening at the Zombo Gallery in Lawrenceville, or as I like to call it Larrytown.
I bought a new computer today, so I'm pretty happy about it. The laptop I had went to shit, so I had to sink some cash into another. That's not really cool, but at least I got it for about half of what I would've spent on a new one. I got an Apple iBook G3 with a 900Mhz processor and a 40GB HD, so... Read More
mmmm ibook!!! noice! I got my frist laptop last year so i'm like a wee bit behind lol I however got a new and better webcam this weekend woot! thanks for the comment btw
I sincerely hope that none of you ever have to wash an airplane. A real one, not some fucking Cessna. You should all hope for the same thing. Thankfully, it was my last wash job because I just got accepted to as a flight engineer.