I like that attitude in your comment. Fits right in. wink
And that is a pretty pic up there!

can*t wait for your set.
I needed a new about me for myspace and it somehow came out in a litttle fairy tale (but its all true!).

Once upon a time there was a girl who was always changing her mind about who and what she wanted to be. After quitting nursing school and getting an estheticians license, only to discover she didnt like ripping peoples hair out by the...
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Hey, you should join the book exchange group for SGs!

it reminded me of the "Swan of Tuonela" fable and music (Sibelius)....i remember it as recommended to relax music, and it is slow and smoky....as opposed to bellydancing
....boy would i love to see your show rags66
Why am I SO shy to call people on the phone? I called Isi but it was kind of late in the day because I had a hangover. We plan to meet on Monday afternoon so that will be cool smile I wish I spoke German though.
I went to a BBQ at UDK last night with my friend John whos also here on exchange from...
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Haha, I can relate sooo much. I hate calling people, I always feel stupid. I even call good friends only when it's necessary.
I got a new camera yesterday, such a great feeling, isn't it? smile
Oh, by the way: Welcome to Germany! I'm sure we'll meet sometime, I'll visit Temper soon for sure smile
i was glad you call me and im happy we meet on monday hon kiss
oh whoops nevermind.

[Edited on May 08, 2006 12:40PM]
do tell more!
I have school today... yep on Sunday. Class is whenever Katharina has time and I guess that's weekends. SO I guess I'll be in a smokey room drinking beer and only understanding the English half of the dialgoue till... well I hear it can go as late as 2AM. BUT for me this is fun, I can't wait! I did have a dream last night...
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i have to work today,too,so youre not lonely, this wednesday i have my free day, we can meet, if you want to wink
Apparently, not drinking for like a week makes my tolerance go WAY down. I was involuntarily making crazy metal faces at these dudes Rottweiler before the sun even went down. I have vague memories of being force fed the falafel which prolly saved my life and I woke up back at Mommy and Daddys house... er I mean Mari and Shanes. Wine bars in Berlin...
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Ha ha! Sounds fantastic. But be careful in those strange foreign countries my love....
love love love love
COOL! My isite works here and Sacha and I got to talk on it, how amazing! Then I went for a walk to the market and had a beer in the park and watched the kiddies play. I like being able to walk around so much, helping a lot with my thought process and feeling healthier. Watched Burden of Dreams last night wihich is a...
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smile Hello Gorgeous!
I live in Prenzlauer Berg... we should meet each other some day!!! wink
Near my home there is a bar calls "morgenrot" and they have vegan breakfast buffet for 3 till 7 EUR, we can go there. And in Kreuzberg there is a place named "sunshine" they have vegan burguer, vegan curry salsiches, a million of inhamy things... biggrin
What do you do here in Berlin? Studing, working, ...?
Awww I miss Sacha frown I have 6.5 weeks till he gets here and then I only have him for a week and then another two months apart. Starting to feel lonely now that I have a bit of downtime... wait that's not true, I have to edit this video and write a thesis, distractions are good for heartache.
Okay let me just say if youre ever in Berlin and people tell you to stay inside on May Day or you'll get pelted with rocks DON'T LISTEN. There were little children in strollers, elderly and many in weelchairs all having a great time so WTF are these pussies talking about? This may be the best event I've ever attended and I got great video...
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Oh, I swear to god, it used to be NOTHING like what it is today. Actually just last year was a huge turning point where things got dramatically less violent, and the whole thing switched from being a riot to a carneval, or something. But berliners ceased taking it seriously quite a few years before that, since it turned from a deeply political, despererate labor-day demonstration to a tourist attraction farce where no one knew the history or what the whole thing was about anyway... Too. Bad.
Yeah even at UDK when some girl asked about May Day history they told her it was just a bunch of angry anarchists and they didn't know anything else. I wanted to speak up but it wasn't the time or the place.
Happy May Day everyone! Music fest in Kreuzberg with friends and then to document protests and possibly riots. Weeeeeeeeee!
I love your face love
Going to a Brechtian Spectacle tonight! Videos, theater, writing and compositions, performances... gonna be fantastic! Then theres a costume party that's sposed to totally rule. Meh I guess I'll have to go as a bellydancer cus thats all I have here.
Last night Shane and Mari fed me yummy curry din din. Then we got drunk on whiskey and painted. Passed out while watching D-I-A-L...
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Sounds fantastic.
Yay I move into my apt Sunday! Fucking cant wait to have my own room and unpack my shit! Been living outa my suitcases in a small studio apt with two other friends who I adore but man I can be a real loner and I miss my long quiet days by myself. I miss having a routine!!!
Ahh first day of school was great,...
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Congrats! What corner of Berlin are you landing in?
Your posts make me even more excited to move there. Bloody Lbeck and its stoopid 60 year old population. Zombies the lot of 'em (and not in a good way)! biggrin
How was the opening?