I just got back from Dublin, Ireland. It was pretty sweet.

I dont really know what else to put. Wait for pics.
This probably doesnt matter to any of you but I am almost positive im going to swap my harley from EFI to a carb. just for easier performance building. .....I went to a rave (First one ever) it wasnt too great but wasnt bad. that music just gets inside you somehow.
I dont really do much on here. I dont know really what to do. If I leave my own page for some reason I just end up looking at pictures of gorgeous women all day. Its really cutting into my work day. Atleast I dont really work. Supervise is more like it.

I hate running.

I dont mind jogging.

Known about the site forever but never joined up. So i dropped the dough finally and here I am. Im pretty stoked.
Welcome to the site!