Ello Crazy Peeps kiss

Well, I woke up this morning to find that I had a new friend on SG biggrin and that id lost one frown , id like to say hi Cricket, hope your days going well over there in sunny cali, im glad to see Im not the only one painting houses at the moment ( blush can I just say that you have one of...
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biggrin ello crazy peeps kiss

its been a few days since I wrote anything, lifes been ticking by slowly, Halloween was a blast, it was my nephews first ever Halloween, (he's just turned one) we got him this cool little ant costume, with legs sticking out the side and took him trick or treating, all he can say is HIYA to people so they all melted when...
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mad mad mad mad mad mad mad

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing went right?

Today all I wanted was to buy some permanent blue hair dye, the brighter the better, a simple plan I thought I should have no problems, so off I went in to town.......

.......now I have to explain something, all the pics of me on here are about a year old, I dont...
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hey! first off...Eccentric is a big word...why must you use big words and hurt my brain! AHHHHHH mad mad . second. try Hot Topic. i know i know, a real "punk" would not shop at that store, but i always notice dye there when i go shopping there to get panties (they have some of the cutest panties there!) or try ebay. they have all kinds of shit there. hmmm...other than that i dont know what to tell you!
HERE there. and it is in the UK! the auction ends in 9 days so HURRY!
mad I HATE BUILDERS!!!! why do they always keep you waiting? its gone one and still no sign of them ARSE!!!

I hate sitting in theres never anything to do (sobs) frown

Well its been another sleepless night and another early rise, the weathers bloody horrible and im out of cigs,

I have the grate task of waiting in for the builder to arive to put a new floor in the kitchen (joy whatever )

I spent most of the night looking over the Burning Man site, I've always wanted to go but being a...
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biggrin hello all

this is my first entry and my minds gone blank, i really have no idea what to write......

Oh I wish my life was like a peace of cheese
All squishy yellow and tasty

Id ride along on lifes Jacobs cracker
Looking for the pineapple of my dreams

Id long to be stuck with a cocktail stick
To give people nightmares, now that...
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Welcome welcome welcome, to the land of expectations.

you'll love it here. welcome to SG.

_mith ARRR!!!