people have always told me i'm funny. my whole life i've loved making people laugh and sometimes it happens just because i don't have a filter on what comes out of my mouth. so i've decided to write down some of my funnier life stories. i'm probably going to do them here so they will be safe in case my computer messes up and i...
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Hope your move goes well and you have a safe trip. Looking forward to the funny stories! 

Got a girl friend a couple months ago! Woot! My husband found her on a fetish/dating site and apparently she and I used to party with the same people and she had a crush on me but was always too shy to talk to me. I always thought people didn't like me that way but come to find out people are intimidated by me. Little...
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Cool about the new girlfriend and some people find me intimidating too so you're not the only one as I don't get it either...hehe 

Thanks. I guess we're just more awesome than we realize!
1 am. painting my nails. Watching PanAm(the reason I got my bangs cut again). Maybe I'll sleep sometime tonight...
That's how I feel, but somehow I still doubt I will :p
I did sleep that night, but not until 3 or 4 hours later. And tonight is kinda looking like more of the same. But I must sleep tonight cause I start sessions with my personal trainer tomorrow!
i am very much bored. today was all chores and waiting for a repair man who never came. called the company he works for when it was almost 45 mins after the time he said he'd come and their office was closed! why would THEY make an appointment for friday when they're closed that day? and what kind of sprinkler company is closed on fridays...
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Sorry to hear that...hope you can re-schedule!

i'm feeling fat, all my friends went home for christmas, husband is gone, mom's going to mexico with her new boyfriend for new years = i'm poopy
<--poopy face

so i got mostly gift cards for christmas and they're all for places i either never go to or hardly ever go to. my family does not know me at all 

so it's my husband's turn to pick out our halloween costumes and he picked cassie hack and vlad from hack/slash. since we got married i've gotten more into comics but i'd never heard of that one. i've started reading it tho and i love it. good thing is i dressed like her in high school so i have everything i need for the costume already,...
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you must to take pictures of you !!!
Drove circles around ft b this morning trying to avoid road marches and people going 8 MPH so I could take Dylan his pt shoes just to find out after I finally got back there that his shoes were at home and he thought (only 20 mins after dropping him off in the first place) that I had made it home, gotten the shoes and...
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Oh hey, you're gorgeous!
after stressing for about a week about what to put on my altar and what to cook for lammas dinner i ended up stumbling into a great celebration. my sister called me and asked if i would ride with her to go pick up a chair she found on craig's list for her nursery. on the way down there we ended up stopping at a...
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had to go to church today(not my fave since i'm pagan!) for my cousin's son's christening. after he was christened they did communion. i say "they" cause, while i will go to church as a respectful thing to my family on very special occasions, i absolutely will not partake in sacred christian rituals "just cause". that's not cool. anyway, i was sitting there watching them...
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i'm in a "must make things" kind of mood lately. i painted a small cabinet that i might use as a kitchen altar, a shelf for my walk in closet and i'm about ready to do the finishing touches on my "kitchen witch" apron. i have a few baby things to crochet for my sister and cousin's wife who are due about a month apart...
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Wow..I love that embroidery!

just lost my only pagan friend. she turned back from the path cause someone text her a bible quote when she was having a hard day. REALLY?! my husband says if that's all it took to turn her back then she was never really in it in the first place. i know he's right cause from the start i knew this could happen, and probably...
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I'm sorry to hear that. Your hubby is right, if you have to keep looking over your shoulder to see if they are there, then do you want to be on any path with them in the first place? I'll take an independent, free thinker on any journey over anyone who can be influenced by words alone.
i know he's right, it's just hard feeling all alone again. sometimes i wish i could just be christian and normal cause it seems like things would be easier but i can't pretend to be something i'm not
when i was little i was totally horrified by roller coasters. that lasted til 10 grade when i went with some friends to 6 flags over georgia and just got over it all of a sudden. now i love them! i always ride in the front if i can and the higher the coaster the better. but right now i'm watching bert the conqueror and...
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