I was young when this was in my CD player:
King Fish (or something like that):
happy update (you need to make a)
This shit is boring.
Scooooby. Scoobidy-doo.
When the temperature drops, I feel more condensed. It's as if I'm restrained by a lack of motivation because of how cold it is. I hate it.
I know a lot of people who feel like that when the season changes to Fall/Winter... Bah Humbug!
As for me I've been sick yes, and it's not Mono or Strep and actually my doctors aren't sure what it is yet. I'm waiting for my new insurance plan to kick in and then I have to go back for more blood work and perhaps a biopsy of my throat. At the moment I'm just trying not to over think anything until I get the facts. I do have a tendency to go online and freak myself out though... lol
Other than that nothing else has really been going on. I am moving in June when my lease is up. It was going to be Denver, but now I'm not too sure where to... anywhere is better than here though.
I'm definitely in limbo...
So what's new with you? Still looking good, kid. lol
As for me I've been sick yes, and it's not Mono or Strep and actually my doctors aren't sure what it is yet. I'm waiting for my new insurance plan to kick in and then I have to go back for more blood work and perhaps a biopsy of my throat. At the moment I'm just trying not to over think anything until I get the facts. I do have a tendency to go online and freak myself out though... lol
Other than that nothing else has really been going on. I am moving in June when my lease is up. It was going to be Denver, but now I'm not too sure where to... anywhere is better than here though.
I'm definitely in limbo...
So what's new with you? Still looking good, kid. lol
HBO suck!!! I never watched 'Rome' but I guess I should be thankful in the end. I was a big fan of 'Carnivale' but they shafted that too 

It is quite darling...