Were you trained classically in the Suzuki method?
Oh no, thats right, you weren't.
Neither was I.

That's why Andrew Bird is OUR GOD.

By the way watch this video and realize the violin is not electric. He plays the mic in relative space t the violin. God is Andrew Bird.
My stress level is retardedly high. But nothing I can do to lower the stress level.

So Ive decided to try to take action to reduce the stress's physical (and eventual mental) harm on my body.

Things I am doing:
-Eating 2-3 raw veggies before every meal
-Actually eating 3 meals a day. Smaller but better than one big meal like I usually do
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i'm in a similar spot, i'm just starting to play guitar again because i'm horrible at it and won't get better by not playing! so hopefully that will help some. but yeah, i've not gotten to the point of actually doing something about it yet, just lots of deliberation. i've been considering starting to do yoga because i've had a really difficult time focusing lately and i think that might help.

the veggies and fruits are important too! funny how i'm a "vegetarian" i guess but don't really get enough fruit!

maybe less caffeine? i'm up and down with it, i love coffee but sometimes i think it stresses me out. i try and drink a lot more water when i drink coffee and it seems to help.

so i guess...yoga = my suggestion. seems silly and foreign to me still but some people i totally respect are really into it and i'd like to give it a try.
We are about to become our machines . . . [we] will morph into machines.
- Rodney Brooks, MIT

GNR technologies (those that involve genetic engineering, nanotechnology and robotics) are some of the most interesting things to discuss and study.

The article I am reading had that quote and I wanted to share it. It made me smile.

I should say that the article has...
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handballs i thought you could get them at sporting good stores...
Who knew that ice skating made your shoulders sore? I ditched tennis today because of it. I cannot serve if I cannot even lift my arm high enough to scratch my back.

I think this weekend is spring cleaning. I am going to make a pile of clothing I never wear and decide if I want to redye it (like having new clothes!) or donate...
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Hey girl, about your allergies. Have you tried acupuncture? I have been going to acupuncture for my allergies and they are not really bothering me at all any more. You can also take an herb called Magnolia Clear Sinus which naturally helps your sinuses with allergies.
Also, you can always buy generic brand allergy pills at Fred Meyer for a fraction of the cost of the same drug with a name brand on it smile

Good luck with the spring cleaning, I'm off to do yard work and enjoy the sun this weekend!

I cannot brush my teeth enough today. Hangovers are a higher power's way of saying "Bad dog! Bad dog!"
well, any cheezy, fat hamburguer gets rid of my hangover in 2 seconds. But only if I eat it while I'm still drunk. oh.. and LOTS of water.
I had water and a breakfast burger (holy moly, so in love) and basically laid in bed the rest of the day!
Someone just compared me getting near finals with third term chemistry, calculus, geology and university studies with my tennis lessons and pilates class (mental exhaustion helped by physical stress) to being a mom.
Im sorry
But ..what? Get a babysitter.
Agreed. Oprah's ratings wouldn't be through the roof if stay at home moms' time were so constrained. I've heard from far too many house fraus who will lead every conversation toward how much harder their existence is than any other person in human history.
Seriously. She started it off with "Well I dont want to start a my horse is bigger than your horse.. but.."

NO doing derivatives is not like wiping assholes! Dont you dare tell me that memorizing the laws of thermodynamics compares to making airplane noises when shoving peas into a mouth!!!

Shoes are fantastic.
I uploaded a video i made around December about my family's penchant for buying me nerdy presents.
You get socks, I get Broll Bearmantle.

ha, that's cool. at least your family embraces your hobbies even if they don't understand them. my family members usually aren't as supportive. smile
I am upset that the Blazers are out of the playoffs.
But if the Rockets don't kick the Lakers ass this round, I will truely be sad.

Ariza hurt Rudy Fernandez and Gasol is the reason Rudy lost the Slam Dunk Contest.
You hurt the love of my life!!!
I guess I might as well do some kind of update since I AM back.
Well, I forget how to use this site a little bit. Anything new or interesting??

With all the twitter, tumblr, facebook, brightkite and etcs, do I really need one more thing to look at?

I am in school full time. Portland State University. Not much to say about that.
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