there's this fantastic exotic animal refuge outside of oklahoma city that had a fundraiser i volunteered at and that is how i came to feed a baby tiger, which i recommend everybody add to their do before they die list. they act just like a little domestic kitty kitten, except they weigh as much as a kindergardener. can you believe some shitty people abandoned that cub in the photos? he made the most precious little kitty cat noises, too. oh now listen to me, i'm gushing on!
well life hasn't been too bad i guess.. nothings really changed with me, im still at my crappy job working all those damn hours. but ive been content . life could be a lot worse. your crazy though, your almost done with school and then more school lol j/k well its good to hear your almost done, with most of it at least. so you doing anything crazy and wild with your time off?
i think you should desgn me a costume lol.. something sexy yet very manly..hahahahahaha so your gonna be a very busy lady for a while then huh? well you have a good weekend doll!
coal miners lung thats funny that was great kat! whats funny is that some osha company comes down every 2 years to test the air quality around us.. and every time they say that the air is cleaner than it really has to be...bullshit! hahahaha if im not inhailing all the carpet fresh people use at home and dust, im taking in all the gas fumes from the lawn mower dept. hahahahaha
but i should be getting out of there pretty soon.. i got a hot tip on a new job that pays really fucking well.. and all i have to do is drive big ass construction equipment..well i guess im off to watch a little football...i cant believe you dont like breaks my heart lol
thanks for the nice german comment, a lil bit funny to read but really thanks! I think i understand what u wanted to told me!! u seem to have biog feelings too... how was your weekend?
God I wanna do vegas. *Sigh*