Its the day after now and no more birthday celebrations for me frown

The meal was really good my close family and a few friends. The food was really tasty as Prezzos is. I had a goats cheese AL forno (past bake) which was exquisite.

On from there match JD was consumed by me, there was a good Stereophonics cover band at the first bar. Then...
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3 hours till my birthday celebrations so looking forward to tonight should be a good laugh and I haven't been out to party in ages smile
I am currently making a list of people attending my birthday meal.

I am looking forward to tonight I need a good night out. Listening to InMe at the moment to chill out, one of my favorite bands and a some decent guys I met them after a local gig that was a great night smile

There you go

Tonight I have the joy of tidying my flat before me birthday this job will most likely take me all night but will be worth it lol

On the plus side I get to listen to all my favourite music of mine and drown out the drunks outside with ome decent music starting with Finger Eleven. wink
Just turned 32 on Monday. Going to party this weekend going for a meal at Prezzos, then going out to party and dance the night away should be fun smile

Going to get lots of pictures taken during the night that I can upload for my profile smile
So glad its the weekend biggrin

I've had a nuts week just need to get my application form in and do a few other jobs then I can party!

Going to see Judge Dread tonight and then off for drinks smile
Well been rather to busy to blog not really ever been into doing it same with facebook its a bit impersonal for me wary of em.

A lots happened were to lets begin ARRR!!!

Been on holiday to Rome and York with my mother got another year more distinguished. Prefer mature to another year close to the grave. As a female friend once said to me...
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Hi my names Alan I am 30 years old single guy looking for that special someone, or just friends.

I am a large guy with a weird and wonderful personality.

Feel free to get in touch smile
Just had a great Karate session, my first in a month and I was told I did very good hardly rusty at all.

The thing that suprised me was my fitness level probably going to pay for it tomorrow smile
I will add some more photos to my profile soon I was trying to find some decent photos every photo of me on my 30th birthday I was either squinting or blinded (I am short sighted).