Went to the parents last night for a meal and to give me father his present (bloody bank holiday etc). Watched a brilliant film called Way of the Samurai.

Its billed as Last Samurai meets Ong Bak and it really is like that a Samurai who learns muay thai. It might have been about the samurai but the guy who plays his friend Kham stole...
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Arr my first beard. Never really done facial hair till now. Looks better than that now, a bit thicker. Going for a stylized beard not a big bushy beard!
Today is my Dad's birthday so I've headed up to the parents for a family meal smile

The fresh air and the exercise should be good for me and I wanted to get out the flat and get some fresh air after being cooped up all weekend. All I got left of my cold now is some snuffles and a hacking cough. The snuffles is fine...
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Is that a game of thrones t-shirt? love hope your feeling better
Yep its a game of thrones t-shirt. House Targaryen as you can probably tell smile

Feeling a bit better going to take a few days to shift the cough what do you think of me new beard? First real attempt at facial hair wink
I finished my Whoathon about lunch time I watched all the episodes and got a few hours sleep in without the use of a TARDIS. smile

I enjoyed the series very much so, the only episode which I didn't like so much was Journey to the centre of the TARDIS it obviously didn't hold my attention as that was the only episode I fell asleep through...
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Update on the Whoathon, I found BBC iplayer annoyingly lacking as they have only the last episode on there and I had missed the Neil Gammon episode the week before.

So to satisfy my craving I had to make an itunes account to download all of series 7. This has cost me quite a bit of time and money but is totally worth it as...
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I was meant to head to the parents today not feeling like it. frown

So instead I am going to catch up on my Doctor Who and have a Doctor Who marathon and watch all of the latest series. Unfortunately I've missed a lot of Doctor Who due to being busy with my birthday and other things so I am going to curl up in bed...
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Cooked my lovely Chinese meal was tasty but a lot of it so I saved the rest for later smile

Watching the excellent Borgias, a fantastic series that is scarily based on real life. After being to the Vatican though and seeing the optulance within I can see why some men would do anything for the power and the money the series represents this very well biggrin
Sounds like a good evening.
It was a good evening. I got to cook a tasty meal from scratch and curl upon the sofa and watch a decent series.

It was just a shame my flatmate had eaten and was on his computer as I find it always better to share my cooking and a decent series with someone else. I would like someone I can cook for and curl up on the sofa with unfortunately I am still looking for that person frown
Still feeling rather ill the colds traveled more south and is effecting my asthma. That means my lung capacity becomes as good as an Asthmatic Ant carrying heavy shopping smile

Planning to cook a nice meal to make me self feel a bit better. I am going to stir fry some chicken marinated in Dukkah with noodles in a red chilli olive oil with soy sauce...
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After rushing round yesterday my manflu has caught up with me so I am feeling pretty rough frown

Luckily I'd stocked up on food at the weekend so I am able to keep warm indoors today no need to go out.

Just watched Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (the film) with a tub of Ben & Jerrys Phish Food still a good film imho just not...
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Hello kiss thankyou for the friend request. i'm studying with the OU too!! Pandemos x x x
Nice to meet you Pandemos kiss What you studying at OU? I am currently studying an honours degree in Computer science.
Today is busy, busy, busy. Got my application form for the last job away finally after having trouble getting all the required information.

Now I am looking literally after I write this to rush out the door to a job's fair. I've tarted myself up look good and smell good. I just need to clear my head of this nasty head cold and forge my...
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And muak to you sexy lady kiss
Almost done on the application form smile

Listening to Down

Rock on biggrin
Listening to Breed 77 whilst playing some League of Legends. My job for tonight is to finish my job application for a database administrator assistant for a local charity.

Breed 77 are awesome btw. I off this song as proof wink