One of my favourite bands Breed 77

Having some lunch doing karaoke at my computer singing 30 secs to Mars whilst I have some lunch before heading out to sort out my finances as I've spent far too much recently and need more money for all the birthdays this week and that other important thing food lol What I am listening to right now

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Today is the first of the birthdays I am heading out for a young lad I've got to know well recently called PJ. I got in a fight recently defending him and the other lad from some unsavoury characters thats all I can say in case it passed on to the police whcih it might well be. I myself have to be very careful about...
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In the effort to stay awake I've played League of Legends and sang me way through the Queen platinum collection volume 1-3 and maybe annoyed the neighbors I don't care. I live in the centre of town and have to sing with the window open to keep the flat cool so they have to suffer me :) I am staving now though as singing is...
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Off out to see MJ and Moo a lovely couple and MJ is one I hope to form my band with. MJ said he'd teach me how to use the acoustic guitar I have sat on my side ;)   Then its back home for dinner and *gasp* a early night.

Playing League of legends atm on EU West my summoner name is Soul Shepard if you want to add me. Playing Sejuani atm with soviet bear skin a woman riding a bear so aweosme as a character :)


I was going to crash and jeopardize the routine I am trying to forge so I can focus more as I am so much of an night owl I wouldn't be surprised if there was owls in my lineage ;) But the solution put on some Queen and sign along, that and have a nose bleed I thought I was fine obviously not completely. I...
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At the moment for once I have a healthy sleep pattern its a rare thing for me and would be good to keep a healthy routine. I went out last night and drank which hasd knocked me more for six than the week of little sleep I had before funny that. At the moment I am barely resisting the notion of laying down just for...
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I love caffeine as well got a coke addiction (coca-cola) fucked my teeth up because of it had to cut right back on the stuff recently and discover tea more now. I drink Lapsong suschong that keeps you awake and smells like tobbacco as its so smoky lovely stuff 2 cups and your awake
Note to self today all I need to stay awake Queen and a nose bleed!!! ;)

Thank you to everyone who has followed and supported me of recent I haven't thanked you individually as I have been rather busy of recent. I would like to say a kinda of disclaimer now if I don't respond straight away or seem rather abrupt it might be I am depressed its not happening a lot atm but thought I'd put it out there lol


Its beena manic week and I use the word manic literally as I am a Manic Depressive or Bipolar Disorder (I prefer the first term as I haven't visited the arctic yet lol).

But a good positive it seems after tonight my love life has become more complicated for once rather than just single but till things are certain I don't want to jinx anything...
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Got a major blog to write got to go out now to see a friend I promise to up load something soon as my life might be heading in a new direction but this is the first steps down that path. I got to see what my piers make of me lol.

Basically I am looking to form a band as the lead vocalist/front man....
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I've had a bout 3 hours sleep since last night after a long night which finally ended as the sun had well risen for the next day. I had a good night seeing old friends and making some important new ones. I still return to my flat on my own but I did almost hook up with 2 women at different points at the night...
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I've had a bout 3 hours sleep since last night after a long night which finally ended as the sun had well risen for the next day. I had a good night seeing old friends and making some important new ones. I still return to my flat on my own but I did almost hook up with 2 women at different points at the night...
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