I've got some time right now. Well, I decided to take a free evening doing nothing, after more than a week without stopping working.
I worked as an hostess for so many great events; when I have just started this job, I've been given important tasks. I worked for Disney, for the European Commission and for VIP at concerts. I love this job... Read More
I've got 50 unread mails here on SG. I used to answer everyone but for the moment it's difficult. I will do it when I have more time, I promise.
I'm just busy. So busy. Mainly with school and works to give in and exams. But also with health, family (which means doggie care and some official dinners with the whole family) and earning some... Read More
It's tough times for everyone, but you'll pull through. We all will and we'll be stronger for the difficulties and hardships that help temper and make us stronger. Spend time with your dog, enjoy life in the snatches between the busy things of the day. You can live an eternity in a single beautiful moment...and that's what you should treasure.
For one of the first time, my dad will help me for something. One hour more and we will go together to take my dog back from this "vet" who is the wife of the man who sold the dog, and we will take him to our usual vet we trust. I need him because I feel she won't want to give him back to... Read More
C'est super que ton papa t'ai aide rcuprer ton chien, et encore mieux si il va mieux puisqu'apparemment il est de retour chez toi!
J'ai pas bien suivi l'histoire mais c'est quoi ces pseudo vto qui ne veulent pas te rendre ton chien enfin???
Enfin je suis contente pour toi que tout s'est bien termin apparemment!
Bonne aprem, bisous!
The vet doesn't want me to see my dog today because it's Sunday... I understad that with all the dogs they have, they need time for themselves, because every night and day they have to take care of all the dogs and puppies, but Beppo is better, with only some fever left, and she doesn't want to give him back anyway, which I find strange.... Read More
Beppo is sick and will sleep with the vet. I'm so so so so sad to have to leave him already... I try to convince myself it's for his own good... I got him there for a kind of allergy, and he stayed for fever, vomiting and diarrhea. I'm so scared, puppies are so fragile.
I hope he will be better tomorrow so he comes... Read More
Quand j'ai adopt mon chat il lui ait arriv la mme chose : beaucoup de larmes mais + de peur que de mal. Garde le moral pour lui montrer que sa maman l'aime.
Des bisoux magiques pour le chenapan qui fait peur sa maitresse.
N'hesite pas a lui rendre visite dans la journee s'il doit rester chez le veto ma belle .
Et si jamais n'oublie pas de laisser un teeshirt avec ton odeur dessus pour qu'il ait ton odeur a cot de lui la nuit la bas.
Tant que tu agis vite et vas vite voir le veto a la vue de symptomes etranges, il n'y a pas de probleme, les veterinaires sont tres competents pour les chiens (plus que pour les autres animaux je trouve), donc ne t'inquiete pas, il reviendra tout requinqu et j'espere que vous aurez trouv la raison de sa fievre pour que ca ne se reproduisse plus.
Thank you to everyone for your support... It means so much to me, you can't imagine. I will answer those emails as soon as I have more time, I promise.
I'm working a lot for the moment... Because I've got big amounts of work to give in on the 15th of May. I like the studies I do because I don't have... Read More
I tried to tell about this in a video, to keep it natural, but it's so natural that I keep crying and make it unintelligible. There are so few days that pass without... Read More
I wrote it in another blog already, but I think it would be more convenient here... This is how Lyvia and I decided to make a multi together...
I totally had a crush on her at the tattoo convention when I arrived and she came in front of me, like examining me and telling: "you're soooo prettyyyy"... So when the occasion for a shooting with... Read More
I read how people speak about their life in blogs, about their emotions, and I remember I was like that. I could write pages and pages about how I was feeling.
They feel fucked up, overwhelmed, hung, stressed... It's not a language barrier, I can translate those words, I know them. But I even don't remember how it feels in French.
I know how you feel. I have to force the words lately too, mainly for the sake of my friends and not because I want to or feel like doing it.
Focusing on the future can be good if the future brings you good things. And sometimes we don't need nuances, we just need to feel. Or that's what I think at the moment... I might change my mind at some point though. I'm sure we'll both settle at some point...
reminds me of styles..