Your SET -- Poppy Purity -- in MR is Sensational.
The Poppy Field is Lovely. But the Flower in this Setting is YOU. Gorgeous in All the Right Aspects showing the Beauty of Such Gorgeous Eyes, Magnificent Body and Exquisite & Delicious Tushie.
Back from Prague... I've been crying a lot missing all my new girlfriends already.
But so many great sets will come from this event, to remind us all those great moments. Even if I would not need them : I will keep a lot of feelings in my heart.
These are the pictures I have now...
I have to find all the other pics everywhere,... Read More
You have the cutest puppy ever! I love puppies, and would love to have one but I can take care of cats better. I'll just have to live vicariously through you!
The exam I feared the most (oral English) was set at 1PM. I arrived at midday to be able to be the first so I had my afternoon free to do other things that needed to be done yesterday. When I arrived there, there were still 9 people from the other group. They told me that it was... Read More
The eczema on your eyelids may be from your concealer/foundation. I have that exact reaction to this foundation stick I just recently started using. I get eczema on my hands arms and stomach, but they all have separate triggers like citric acid, nickel and so on and so forth...
I hate being organized and then having everything outside of your control screw you around...
Next Monday I will be finished with my exams for now.
It has been a month. 18 exams, that was awful. I've got three oral ones left. I'm stressed.
Then, in the end of August, I will take two I chose not to take in second session (I prefered giving time to the others, I had to sacrifice the biggest ones and work on them... Read More
I need to get out of my parents' home like... now.
I don't know how to do it without money. I won't receive any help from any association because my parents are quite rich... And I don't know how to tell them I want to leave but I still need their financial help.
And no, I can't explain to them, they just don't listen to... Read More
You have a brother? Would he help you, or is he just like your parents?
Sometimes, you just have to go ahead and do what you want/need to do. Only then will the means to continue materialize.
Good luck!!
So yes, this is my already and only my second year on SG. 2 years ago I wrote my first blog as a Limbo girl, right after my set Bad Little Thing was accepted.
So much has changed, so much is still the same.
I am still studying for my exam, as I was on that 26 of May 2007. The classes I study for... Read More
i have not changed my mind about m favorite sets but i do want to say that my favorite picture of you is the one with you and your puppy and that incredible smile
when you smile you are more stunning than looking into the face of the gods
That wont take very long the sets are both so amazing that we cant even decide which one to submit first I think you will love them. I cant wait to meet you in so soon! We will have lot of fun i promise
The Poppy Field is Lovely. But the Flower in this Setting is YOU. Gorgeous in All the Right Aspects showing the Beauty of Such Gorgeous Eyes, Magnificent Body and Exquisite & Delicious Tushie.