the playlist....
I had fun last night. Good I was due. I just made a kick ass playlist on alx's computer. Sad I don't have one of my own so I could play it at home. listening to skip james now. earlier we(alx & me) were educating ourself on Obscuro the best god damned genre ever! that definately warranted an eclamation point. now amphibian by bjork off of the being john malcovich sountrack. The best band of the week award would have to go to the shaggs. I am definatly picking up their shit asap. now listening to devendra banhart, which if you heard ot you'd have a much better understanding of me as a person . it descibes my mood more often than not. motor city is burning MC5, great song, much blues, fuckin' punk rawk. this list has like 90 songs on it I'll never get to listen to it all but if alx was an obsevant friend he'd just burn it all on to many cds for me and I'd be happy. The business smash the discos. poor baby alx had a big night lots of vodka. he has a hang over, I don't. I don't work today or tomorrow I think maybe tomorrow is chipotles day. I still need to find someone to go with though. Adam & the ants beat my guest. GRRRReat driving song. sometimes I feel that I'm in love with music. What a nerd/loser I am. I'm such a nerd/loser that if I were saying this to you you would actually hear "nerdslashloser". yeah that's me. I still don't feel as though erik is perfect for me. I want something further, I'm not quite sure what. I think antellectually we are on the same level which is cool. Le tigre mediocrity rules, and yes it does. I'm mediocre at every artistic endevour that I approach. generation X kiss me deadly, this song is a little meloncholly spelling IS for the uncreative. thanx kelly. thinking sucks and that's why I have my new cake job. I'm hungery I want chipotles. tomorrow okay.tomorrow. otis redding, beautiful songs like this should be outlawed they're so good. My constent stuggle is my lack of anything whatsoever intelligent to say. I'm not smart, of fun, I try to act as a person that I would want to hang out with but more I've found that I just want to be smart and stuff. a true example of my ignorance (smart and stuff). Busta rhymes put your hands where my eyes could see. I am a eclectic music listener. I hate it when people try to peg me. Erik is the only other guy that has the same elcleticity as me that's sexy. alx increased his volume of snoring to top the heavy beats being dropped. this is one of thoughs stream of consciencness entries that no one will read or comment on because it's too long and incomprehnceable. leadbelly. I have some shit to do today but I can't stand up I'm enjoying this playlist. it took like an hour to put together since their is so much shite in eriks mp3 files. they've been freshly transferred to alx's pc, which brings us to, vincent gallo-honey bunny, this one always puts me in a mood for artistic french film romance, but in reality.his voice and the guitar is a perfect combination. we're like dreamers in nice colors/ childlike dreamers/ underwater/ we're the dreamers/ in nice colors/ and the colors are like summer..........on and on....okay nuff of that. now playing Low missuori. oh god this song takes me to my dream of being ben's muse. silly girl, grow up, "stop being thirteen" I thought I had, I reply in confusion. Patti smith gloria, much better when listening to it on vinyl. cat power wild is the texas 400,000 i like these guys. the pixies cactus reading about the pb army on all music guide. the gypsy kings hotel california like the one from the big lebowski right when the audience is introduced to the jesus. my right hand is cold my left is warm.david bowie life on mars. blue skies burning summerfeild michigan. blitz great party music. I wish I liked my home I wish it felt like home. I wish I didn't loathe my roomates. I should be done but the playlist has glued me to this seat. alx just scratched his head. catholic dicipline, marvin gaye,jaco pastorious so what! beehive & the barracudas up in flames. the shaggs philosophy of the world. i'm spent
I had fun last night. Good I was due. I just made a kick ass playlist on alx's computer. Sad I don't have one of my own so I could play it at home. listening to skip james now. earlier we(alx & me) were educating ourself on Obscuro the best god damned genre ever! that definately warranted an eclamation point. now amphibian by bjork off of the being john malcovich sountrack. The best band of the week award would have to go to the shaggs. I am definatly picking up their shit asap. now listening to devendra banhart, which if you heard ot you'd have a much better understanding of me as a person . it descibes my mood more often than not. motor city is burning MC5, great song, much blues, fuckin' punk rawk. this list has like 90 songs on it I'll never get to listen to it all but if alx was an obsevant friend he'd just burn it all on to many cds for me and I'd be happy. The business smash the discos. poor baby alx had a big night lots of vodka. he has a hang over, I don't. I don't work today or tomorrow I think maybe tomorrow is chipotles day. I still need to find someone to go with though. Adam & the ants beat my guest. GRRRReat driving song. sometimes I feel that I'm in love with music. What a nerd/loser I am. I'm such a nerd/loser that if I were saying this to you you would actually hear "nerdslashloser". yeah that's me. I still don't feel as though erik is perfect for me. I want something further, I'm not quite sure what. I think antellectually we are on the same level which is cool. Le tigre mediocrity rules, and yes it does. I'm mediocre at every artistic endevour that I approach. generation X kiss me deadly, this song is a little meloncholly spelling IS for the uncreative. thanx kelly. thinking sucks and that's why I have my new cake job. I'm hungery I want chipotles. tomorrow okay.tomorrow. otis redding, beautiful songs like this should be outlawed they're so good. My constent stuggle is my lack of anything whatsoever intelligent to say. I'm not smart, of fun, I try to act as a person that I would want to hang out with but more I've found that I just want to be smart and stuff. a true example of my ignorance (smart and stuff). Busta rhymes put your hands where my eyes could see. I am a eclectic music listener. I hate it when people try to peg me. Erik is the only other guy that has the same elcleticity as me that's sexy. alx increased his volume of snoring to top the heavy beats being dropped. this is one of thoughs stream of consciencness entries that no one will read or comment on because it's too long and incomprehnceable. leadbelly. I have some shit to do today but I can't stand up I'm enjoying this playlist. it took like an hour to put together since their is so much shite in eriks mp3 files. they've been freshly transferred to alx's pc, which brings us to, vincent gallo-honey bunny, this one always puts me in a mood for artistic french film romance, but in reality.his voice and the guitar is a perfect combination. we're like dreamers in nice colors/ childlike dreamers/ underwater/ we're the dreamers/ in nice colors/ and the colors are like summer..........on and on....okay nuff of that. now playing Low missuori. oh god this song takes me to my dream of being ben's muse. silly girl, grow up, "stop being thirteen" I thought I had, I reply in confusion. Patti smith gloria, much better when listening to it on vinyl. cat power wild is the texas 400,000 i like these guys. the pixies cactus reading about the pb army on all music guide. the gypsy kings hotel california like the one from the big lebowski right when the audience is introduced to the jesus. my right hand is cold my left is warm.david bowie life on mars. blue skies burning summerfeild michigan. blitz great party music. I wish I liked my home I wish it felt like home. I wish I didn't loathe my roomates. I should be done but the playlist has glued me to this seat. alx just scratched his head. catholic dicipline, marvin gaye,jaco pastorious so what! beehive & the barracudas up in flames. the shaggs philosophy of the world. i'm spent
I was hugging a little dinosaur. The person taking the pic just isn't very good. I also have one of me fondling the horn of a duckbilled dino.
