Man, I'm a little spent. Today was day 21 in a row at the office. Big project that has to be done and it just happens to be one of my friends across the country in Buffalo that will be the recipient of this site - so I can do nothing but give it everything I can before presentation.
My social life during this period has been two tat sittings. Outlines are done. The "Meat" is still to come and I will post images after completion.
Hope everyones well...
My social life during this period has been two tat sittings. Outlines are done. The "Meat" is still to come and I will post images after completion.
Hope everyones well...
thank you for your support and kind words on my set... i appricite that you took the time to not only view the set but leave your kind words as well... thanks again hun
Happy Birthday!!