Alright biatches! A lot as happened in the last couple of days. The funniest thing that I have seen in the last week was Snoop Dogg's Tele-fizzle fo snizzle TV show, or at least something alone those lines. Well, what happened in the show you say? Well, snoop dressed up as a substitute teacher for a kindergarden class and taught all the kids how do smoke weed and do drugs. "Alright kids, do drugs! What are you going to do?" Kids reply, "Do DRUGS!" Funny shit. He also dressed up as a jack n the box employee and when people ordered he fucked with them. Anyways, if you see it, watch it. OK, just recapping and reading all my previous posts, I had a good chuckle. OK! HERE'S SOME RANDOM SHIT!
FUCKERS! Take that. Anyways, Jared and myself looked at tons of garbage pail kids online tonight and talking about how great our childhoods were. We grew up in a great time. Transformers, Ghostbusters, Get-A-Long gang... err I mean Strawberry Short... err... I mean Robotech! Fuck yeah! Remember Rainbow Brite? My sister used to have the very luminous stuft doll. Speaking of stuft dolls, I used to have a MY-Pet-Monster and one day I got mad at my parents and pissed all over the fucking thing. So what did I do after that? I threw it in my sisters room and for the weeks to follow, my parents couldnt figure out where "that stench" was coming from. Finally they found it and all was great! "What did you do to My-Pet-Monster?!" my mom said. "Marlene did it!" was my response. Marlene is my sister. Anyways, I always did shit to get my sister in trouble. For example, when we were really young (I was probably in first grade), I wrote the word 'fuck' on a piece of paper really sloppy just like my sister's handwritting, cuz she was just learning how to write. So i take this piece of paper and go up to my mom and said, "Mom, what does this word mean?" My mom then replied, "Where did you get this?" I told her, I found it in Marlene's room cuz she was writting it down. So my mom asked my sister if she wrote that, and of course she said No. So what my mom made us do was write down random words on a piece of paper so she could compare the handwritting. And wouldnt you know it. My sister couldnt write for shit, so she got blamed and a huge ass-whopen! Ok, what else? My band has shirts now. If you want one, girls, you have to sleep with me.
. Ok, I leave you wil the theme song to Silver Spoons! <i>Here we are.... Face to Face</i>... OK, wait. Fuck that rich little fuck! I wanted to ride that train and never got to. ok, here's the theme song to Small Wonder <i>She's a smalllll wonder. something seomthing smart girlll. She's a mircle and I grant you... she'll something soemthing... She's a smallllll wonder. And she'll something seomthin--- la,la,al,al,alala,ala,ala,la,la,al,al,al,al,a</i> Bye-E!