OK, a lot has happened since I updated this. Well, I told Stephanie how I felt about her and really didn't get an answer. I found out she has a boyfriend that's 3,000 miles away. From what I hear, he doesnt treat her like she's special. Last time she called him I guess he put her off. The guy sounds like a jerk to me. Not the way I would treat her. I told her about this dream I had where I managed to get the singer for her favorite band to come to her house and play her some aqoustic songs on her birthday. She's goes nuts over it (which she would in real life) and wants me to be around to thank me. Anyways, i'm not around, but I am out looking for some flowers to give her. I wanted them to be wild flowers for some reason. Not be cheesy and buy them, but search for them. That's what I did. So, I am walking around trying to find the perfect flowers for her and everytime I come across some, their either dying or look all eaten by insects. So, I am wandering around and I see these roses on a cliff. They were the perfect flowers to give her. So I go up to this cliff that was really steep & dangerous and I try to get the roses, but their too far out of reach. So, I reach out and try very hard to get these flowers for her, but I loose my balance, fall off the cliff and die. In my dream I was looking over my body and in my hands were the roses. At least I got them! So, my dream concluded with me getting this visual of her enjoying her present and her smilling and having a great time. That's all I remember. So, if you can analyze dreams, drop me a line. Haha. Anyways... Besides that, Jared and I just watched 'Shrunken Heads' the other day. Never saw it before and I must say one thing... Richard Elfman is a fucking NUT!! The movie kept my attention and a movie that can do that is good. Well, I guess I should end this. I gotta work early tomorrow. Oh, yeah... Toreena, if you read this far you've realized things didnt go to well with Stephanie, but thanks for the 'good luck'. I didn't know anyone read this, including the 'Girls themselves. By the way, that isnt a visor, but they're my super-duper cool-guy 80's glasses. I can fight evil with them and see through womens clothing.
More Blogs
Sunday Mar 18, 2007
Finally the CD is done. It's been a good two years since we started i… -
Friday Mar 02, 2007
Eh... my head is a lot more clear since the last post. It's just that… -
Wednesday Feb 28, 2007
Goddamn, everytime I turn around, another one of my friends somehow s… -
Wednesday Feb 28, 2007
I am so very glad that Kevin no longer has a girlfriend. He seems to … -
Tuesday Feb 27, 2007
I've come to the realization that I no longer feel as though I can be… -
Sunday Mar 26, 2006
HAIKU'S BY 9-10-Do Head (That's me!) -------------------------------… -
Sunday Jan 11, 2004
oh, yeah... I forgot to mention that I don't update this journal anym… -
Monday Aug 04, 2003
I havent updated in two months! Why start now? -
Wednesday Jun 04, 2003
People ask me why do I have an account here and usually just assume i… -
Wednesday May 21, 2003
If someone were to ask you 'What is the greatest thing in life? ', wh…
And I want your glasses really bad. I want those powers
shit, I'm just kiddin. I always find myself in the same predictament you're in, and if it helps you out I've even had a couple of long distance things fail. All I can tell you is don't freak out on her, that's bad, trust me man, B A D!