I finally beat Metroid Prime 3: Corruption! It only took me 25 hours and 38 minutes over a span of a few weeks. I beat it at 100% too and unlocked several endings. I knew I still had some hardcore gaming left in me! Such a beautiful, well-made, addictive game. Especially when Samus reaches the final planet level of Phazee. If that game doesn't win an award for graphics, I don't know what will. Anyways, now if I can just get back into the habit of playing Twilight Princess. That game is a masterpiece as well. I almost don't want to beat 'cos it's that fun to play. I'm at the very end. I should just beat it.
Also, if anyone else has a Wii and wants to swap stuff, my Wii address is 2799 3513 8344 1173. Send me yours as well. That way, if you're playing Metroid Prime 3, you can send me friend vouchers and vice versa. I need to unlock the bonus stuff.
Also, if anyone else has a Wii and wants to swap stuff, my Wii address is 2799 3513 8344 1173. Send me yours as well. That way, if you're playing Metroid Prime 3, you can send me friend vouchers and vice versa. I need to unlock the bonus stuff.