If someone were to ask you 'What is the greatest thing in life? ', what would you say? For me, I'd say human emotion is the best damn thing ever. What would life be without it? It's also great having friends to share emotions with. Whether it be someone you've known for years or a partner to fall in love with. I can't say i've ever had a partner to fall in love with, but it sure feels good to have friends who share their emotions.
More Blogs
Sunday Mar 18, 2007
Finally the CD is done. It's been a good two years since we started i… -
Friday Mar 02, 2007
Eh... my head is a lot more clear since the last post. It's just that… -
Wednesday Feb 28, 2007
Goddamn, everytime I turn around, another one of my friends somehow s… -
Wednesday Feb 28, 2007
I am so very glad that Kevin no longer has a girlfriend. He seems to … -
Tuesday Feb 27, 2007
I've come to the realization that I no longer feel as though I can be… -
Sunday Mar 26, 2006
HAIKU'S BY 9-10-Do Head (That's me!) -------------------------------… -
Sunday Jan 11, 2004
oh, yeah... I forgot to mention that I don't update this journal anym… -
Monday Aug 04, 2003
I havent updated in two months! Why start now? -
Wednesday Jun 04, 2003
People ask me why do I have an account here and usually just assume i… -
Wednesday May 21, 2003
If someone were to ask you 'What is the greatest thing in life? ', wh…