I just saw the movie Arthur, it was awesome. I love the Dark Ages, actually I am kind of obsessed with that time period. I read book after book about warriors slaughtering eachother, the Bretons, the Saxons, The Bergundians, etc. Yet Ironically I have total disdain for the aspect of mankind that feels the drive for war, for the mass slaughter of people that you have never met, nor laid eyes on, and have no idea what thoughts truly run through their mind. All the people in a war do is blindly kill those who someone else has deemed the enemy for whatever reason. Last night I explained to my six year old son that there are no good guys fighting bad guys in any war, both sides whole heartedly believe they are the good guys. Oh well, just yet another of the unfathomable complexities that plague our existence as humans.

It was a very good movie. I wonder what mindset I would maintain in such dangerous and desperate times as the Dark Ages could be. We're all too fortunate not to have to watch our backs every minute of the livelong day.
Watching those flaming arrows descend from the sky gave me a flashback of a recent, very realistic dream I had of small bombs propelled by orange flame coming down on me in modern America by our own forces. It was terrifying then and disconcerting today.