Christianity is a veil over what once was, what will be, and what never leaves us, the God-moved world all around. These days a man is born with the din of church bells in his ears, such a man must learn to grow deaf to them in order to hear the voice of the God underneath. His eyes must learn to strip away the veil of every image. He must train his heart not to fear what a trembling Christian shuns, but to embrace it, lest unwittingly, by his fear, he loose upon the world an even greater dread. Such is the path to Craft.
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Tuesday Sep 07, 2004
I just cancelled my subscription cause I'm if anyone out … -
Wednesday Sep 01, 2004
O.K. I have been greatly neglecting this website...sorry about that I… -
Thursday Aug 19, 2004
Bob Marley Quotes/lyrics: Judge not, before you judge yourself; J… -
Monday Aug 02, 2004
So I finally got to New Orleans and it was awesome...went to the Whir… -
Thursday Jul 29, 2004
Damn..this place sucks...the people suck...I need some damn antidepre… -
Sunday Jul 25, 2004
Nightmare...I had one of the worst experiences in awhile last night..… -
Thursday Jul 22, 2004
So I've been going night swimming in the Gulf's kind of a… -
Sunday Jul 18, 2004
Ok, so I went to the Gutter Lounge last night to see a punk show...on… -
Wednesday Jul 14, 2004
yea, I've made some friends in this town Now I don't have to be my … -
Friday Jul 09, 2004
I just saw the movie Arthur, it was awesome. I love the Dark Ages, ac…
The tale I shall unfold before you will be one of true darkness and terror. It wont be like what people read and see on T.V. I plan on taking it to another level. As for HangmansDaughter? Just make sure you tell her to keep her head high. She's such an extraordinary young women. And tell her not to waste her talents for I know she has many. She will find her calling.
Now let us discuss you. You're a friend of hers. So perhaps you could be a friend of mine? I will send you a friend request. Hopefully it is accepted. I was very pleased to finally hear from you. And if your friends with HMD, then you -must- be cool too.
Further more, reading your most recent journal entry, I'd say you have a bit of talent for writing yourself. Perhaps you'd like to -cultivate- such an attribute. Well anyways, I hope to hear back from you soon. Take care of yourself. Right on.
\/v^^v\/ -Drink Deeply-