Must every first date be the last first date, must every man you meet be "the last man I ever meet"? The system is strong with you, ladies. Even the most "unconventional". Even the one that could be a SG, the ex-domina, the Globetrotter, the one with a thousand "notches" on her bedpost and a million experiences. As conventional as the most corn-fed of you. Time to talk to the doc and kill the libido, maybe even get chemically castrated.
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It's been over a month and I still can't "get over it". I doubt I e… -
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Wherever a child dreams, wherever a ball rolls, wherever motion ca… -
La fortuna de estar hoy. De tener ojos para ver. Ver al má… -
Fear (now ft. Studio Killers)
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Smug face
I solved a problem! WHEEEEEEEE! It was the last, stubborn 5% of … -
Mission patch
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Funny numbers
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A piece of advice for us Y carriers from the US State Department
“I always tell the men, ‘Go look in the mirror. No beautiful woman,… -
Living the dream
Sometimes, it still feels unreal. I am there, at home between …