my brain it seems w/in the last year has become more aware of dream states- that is i've been aware that i've been in dreams (conscious of) than i ever have in my life. i've been reading about this sort of thing and other weird stuff for the past year or so. i beleive this has somhow awakened my consciousness and expanded my mind. and y'know all i can say is awesome! everyone read crazy scientific books on weird phenomena and you will all up your brain!ha ha, that sounds funny, but when you become aware of the brains potential, and try to use it, it will happen! make yourself smarter!

Hi! Wow, long time... that was May, right? Geez, so much has happened since then, I wouldn't even know where to start... :-) Good to hear from you!
oooohh, I love that shit! What are you reading?