i'm drunk right now.
i'm done.
i just need a "nice" girl. i don't need her to be sane
- because really, let he without sin cast the first stone - but nice.
let me rephrase... i need her to be "nice", and sane enough to make up her goddamn mind.
i'm back from portland, having had the best time i've had in a loooong time, and i come home to Drama, capital D.
with a lisp - Drrrraaaaaamahh!
i swear to god, who has time to deal with this shit? i need to write a book of short stories and put out a hip-hop album before i die.
i'm done.
i just need a "nice" girl. i don't need her to be sane
- because really, let he without sin cast the first stone - but nice.
let me rephrase... i need her to be "nice", and sane enough to make up her goddamn mind.
i'm back from portland, having had the best time i've had in a loooong time, and i come home to Drama, capital D.
with a lisp - Drrrraaaaaamahh!
i swear to god, who has time to deal with this shit? i need to write a book of short stories and put out a hip-hop album before i die.