Just now, it occurred to me that Techies and Programmers are the Ronin of our modern day America.
After the dotcom crash there were tons of people with really useful computer-related skills, but without work. Now they serve corporations or small business, most just work temp jobs and do consulting on the side... making enough money to get by but not really holding down anything. Some even turned to computer-related crime, or hacking -- like bandits.
At least, that's how it is with a grip of people I know.
It's happening a lot with outsourcing, too. People losing their jobs... wandering around trying to make a living. It's not going to change, you know. This way of things is only going to become more so.
I really do believe we're seeing the very starts of the Cyper-Punk age.
After the dotcom crash there were tons of people with really useful computer-related skills, but without work. Now they serve corporations or small business, most just work temp jobs and do consulting on the side... making enough money to get by but not really holding down anything. Some even turned to computer-related crime, or hacking -- like bandits.
At least, that's how it is with a grip of people I know.
It's happening a lot with outsourcing, too. People losing their jobs... wandering around trying to make a living. It's not going to change, you know. This way of things is only going to become more so.
I really do believe we're seeing the very starts of the Cyper-Punk age.