"...and then i realized i have to stop trying to get involved with women who need saving."
my friends words struck home.
something i've come to realize-- you can help people, but you can't save them. some people will drag you down, under the water, and you have to just let them go.
is that cruel? i used to think so... i used to think that everyone was worth saving, regardless of the consequences. but it's not your life and you have no say as to how it should be handled. they are free.
everyone is free...
my friends words struck home.
something i've come to realize-- you can help people, but you can't save them. some people will drag you down, under the water, and you have to just let them go.
is that cruel? i used to think so... i used to think that everyone was worth saving, regardless of the consequences. but it's not your life and you have no say as to how it should be handled. they are free.
everyone is free...
anyway the people who actually want saving can usually figure out how to save themselves.
how's it feel to have an epiphany? well nevermind, it was your friend's epiphany. but at least you caught the shock waves.