i fucking hate reality T.V.
i hate that the poor or stupid have their lives put up for every laughing jackass to see. the fact that someone's actual misfortune brings us entertainment...
fuck everyone. especially you.
ever wonder if that's how they start picking away at our freedoms? if they put us all on the camera... so we WANT to be filmed. we WANT our...
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i hate that the poor or stupid have their lives put up for every laughing jackass to see. the fact that someone's actual misfortune brings us entertainment...
fuck everyone. especially you.
ever wonder if that's how they start picking away at our freedoms? if they put us all on the camera... so we WANT to be filmed. we WANT our...
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I wanted to cry, but something kept telling me "It's silly to cry over a kitten, really."
Today I actually thought, "I deserve a Coca-Cola." I really believed I did. But it's horse shit. Do you understand?
And the truth is, I'm scared shitless of her... she cried for me and no one but me has ever shed tears for the pains I've suffered.
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Today I actually thought, "I deserve a Coca-Cola." I really believed I did. But it's horse shit. Do you understand?
And the truth is, I'm scared shitless of her... she cried for me and no one but me has ever shed tears for the pains I've suffered.
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my eyes burn right now and i'm not sure why. maybe touching yourself does induce blindness.
new words i've learned recently that i totally dig:
i was on a streak for awhile but looks like it's time for me to cash in. one of the girls i had something going with got a boyfriend, which is cool. she's a neat girl.
the other...
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new words i've learned recently that i totally dig:
i was on a streak for awhile but looks like it's time for me to cash in. one of the girls i had something going with got a boyfriend, which is cool. she's a neat girl.
the other...
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choose the sword and join me; choose the ball and join your mother in death.
come boy... choose life or death.
they say that there's always a price, but if freedom is the price i've paid for dodging the simple life... then whatever.
the more i think, read, and observe, the more i realize no one knows what they're talking about. it's all smoke and...
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come boy... choose life or death.
they say that there's always a price, but if freedom is the price i've paid for dodging the simple life... then whatever.
the more i think, read, and observe, the more i realize no one knows what they're talking about. it's all smoke and...
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one of my closest friends still isn't speaking to me.
it flashed for moment, then buckled... curling into a ball like a dead insect.
"That's a bad idea. You might need that, ya know?"
pieces flaked off, so weightless they drifted into the sun.
"I didn't bring you along so that you could impart your 'wisdom' on me. You're only here because this requires a witness."
the age of Osiris... burning my life away.
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"That's a bad idea. You might need that, ya know?"
pieces flaked off, so weightless they drifted into the sun.
"I didn't bring you along so that you could impart your 'wisdom' on me. You're only here because this requires a witness."
the age of Osiris... burning my life away.
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saw another friend off into marriage.
i decided to look respectable for her. cleaned off the nail polish and eyeliner, put the hawk down. slapped on a button-up (with the top part and the cuffs undone), Dickies--in what seems to be the hip-meat-market-fashion-- and, if i do say so myself, i was looking very do-able.
when i sat down at my assigned table, when the...
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i decided to look respectable for her. cleaned off the nail polish and eyeliner, put the hawk down. slapped on a button-up (with the top part and the cuffs undone), Dickies--in what seems to be the hip-meat-market-fashion-- and, if i do say so myself, i was looking very do-able.
when i sat down at my assigned table, when the...
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weddings are only fun once everyone's drunk and uncle fillintheblank is making as ass out of himself while grandma goes nuts on the dance floor.
Vegas. what a fuckin' head trip.
we're home a handful of hours and already Jeanette and Laura are coming over to drag my ass out again.
see you in the funny pages...
we're home a handful of hours and already Jeanette and Laura are coming over to drag my ass out again.
see you in the funny pages...
Wow I'm next to Voltaire in the friends list... now that is a fucking honor!!!
you need to go see that zoomanity show. it's a big sex fest circus. i hear it's incredible.
if you win at the slot machines will you buy me a parachute? i've always wanted a parachute. and if you win really big will you buy me a plane to go with it?
worth a try.
taylor pyxlie blue
if you win at the slot machines will you buy me a parachute? i've always wanted a parachute. and if you win really big will you buy me a plane to go with it?
worth a try.
taylor pyxlie blue
"...and then i realized i have to stop trying to get involved with women who need saving."
my friends words struck home.
something i've come to realize-- you can help people, but you can't save them. some people will drag you down, under the water, and you have to just let them go.
is that cruel? i used to think so... i used to think...
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my friends words struck home.
something i've come to realize-- you can help people, but you can't save them. some people will drag you down, under the water, and you have to just let them go.
is that cruel? i used to think so... i used to think...
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that's not cruel. it's true.
anyway the people who actually want saving can usually figure out how to save themselves.
how's it feel to have an epiphany? well nevermind, it was your friend's epiphany. but at least you caught the shock waves.
anyway the people who actually want saving can usually figure out how to save themselves.
how's it feel to have an epiphany? well nevermind, it was your friend's epiphany. but at least you caught the shock waves.
for awhile now i've been waiting for the other shoe to drop... and now it's here.
my grandmother probably isn't going to last a whole lot longer.
i don't know if i care at all, and for that i feel like a real prick, but seriously, if you only knew...
my grandmother probably isn't going to last a whole lot longer.
i don't know if i care at all, and for that i feel like a real prick, but seriously, if you only knew...
A friend of mine had his Grandmother die last night... he's pretty torn up about it...