A heavy player in this 80's revival is actually not the 80s at all -- its redneck hillbillies, who are contributing to the rapture (Blondie had it right with song, Jim Goad with the call). The style is a crosshatch of redneck white fucker slash Pet Shop Boysesque recombinant DNA androgeny. It's a train hobo on the lamb meets a young Gary Numan. "Here in...
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At the tail end of a 2 day fried mobo excursion. Stuck a drive in last week and shorted my motherboard so I got a new one for $12 and nothing worked. Had to reinstall everything. Of course that realization came so AFTER the fact. I spent a majority of last night trying to get the old shit up, shuddering in denial.

Need to wash...
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I should charge you for singing such a hideous song in my journal wink
I had a dream Drew Barrymore's dog kept biting me. I was in some odd church wandering around and this black fog appeared with a Ming-the-Merciless looking hologram that had this great evil presence to it. I have this ability to take control in the dream so I managed to blow the fog away and make Ming dissapear, noone wants a nightmare. Before I knew...
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its my bday today, im 27, still feel 17 but with more knee injuries. Perhaps, that just the hurricane.

Apparantly, Im going to need some friends so that "ha ha" goes away. Okay, time to get to work. Anyone who wanders onto this feel free to "friend" me. I can guarantee a toaster over in paradise.
happy birthday new kid
you can add friends yourself too--on your preferences page. just anyone whose journal you want to keep up on. and whenever you add yourself as a friend to someone's page, their name will show up on yours. (i'm telling you this cuz it was month b4 someone told me and i felt like a dumbshit.) smile