Supposedly the Cult of the Serpent suggests a race of reptilianlike beings that live near the earths core. I could of sworn this panhandler was one of them. Green scaly face and weird beedy eyes. He grabbed my coat, I told him to 'Fuck off' and he hissed. Uncanny I tell ya'.
They were wrong. Not the earth's core. NYC. They are all here.
Conversation I've had 30 times today:

What the fuck.

Why you gotta be like that?

Fuck that.

That space probe actually landed?
Not only landed, but sent back mf ing pictures! Take that, Beagle! lol

if ($girl !="sober") {
set $cock="her mouth"; }
else if ($bathroom == true) {
slam(2000)=="bust doors" ^ "blast juice on ass" }

if ($bartender == "comes in") {
die; }


that was... deep.
im another shallow pit in a landscape of wells, what can i say...
"How big is your gong?", seems to be the prevailing question around these parts. The idea being that the bigger the gong the greater the bang or in the philosophy of Qi-Gong, the more powerful one's system is. That's an all around power -- health, dexterity and in combat. Battle aside though, 8Bit has enough headwounds to last a lifetime. In order to achieve the...
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For a sample of 8bits music check this: http://www.worldnewssyndicate.com/mp3/8Bit-Reinterpret_2_mix.mp3

Thundercat Ho Snack!

What if the thundercat crew decided they wanted liberation from the whole "Liono rules us on this third Earth place".

Cheetara would of incited the rebellion, convincing the two freaky cat kids that the whole journey was played out. Panthro would start beef with Tigro over small house related duties. "Why do I...
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Karmically, I may be stuck in some loophole that excludes the better things I've done for humanity in exchange for those recent deviant acts I've done for myself. The rational being that in a sense I probably deserve what I get -- which always seems to be the doosey. When I finally get the blackeye/beatdown/robbed/fraternal loss/immasculation, etc. it's always the same routine -- get on...
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blush Thank you kind sir. I will dedicate my next bout of hilarity ensuation to you!
Yo yo, real quick...been up to no good again. I will avoid the naughty details but I'm genitally wounded, in a healthy sense.

Apparantly, the last years feeling of impending doom was totally due to the crazy girl #4 and now that that's done as well as rebound grrl the next logical step will be to go to Cuba, before Castro dies.

get some Shango-induced...
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In the heart of NYC -- Midtown now. Left the East Village and didn't look back. The girl ended up in the psyche ward and NYC forced her back to the countryside, a liability they claimed.

Crazy girls coming to New York with their dreams, goin' nuts from silly stunts.

All that's on my mind now...is who's next?
i've been in a psych ward twice, and never been to the NYC!

i'm four months older than you.

ps. i was just listening to go plastic (squarepusher) when i saw they were on your list. warp records is rad

pps. i added you to my friends list so i remember your name.
I've been displaced again and am living on a couch. I moved all my gear into an office so I can work at least. I don't mind the couch really however since all my clothes are still in my orignal habitat I've discovered very early on the many combinations of one pair of underwear, 2 shirts and 2 pants.
That sucks! Sorry to hear you are out of a place to live. THe Jane Street Hotel had rooms at 185 a week when I first came to the city 5 years ago. And there is always Craigs list. Good Luck!
Saw Kill Bill and liked it.

Spent last night in the ER with psycho angel crying handcuffed to the chair. Apparantly, I called 911 as she claimed to attempt suicide (no pun intended). They came and took her away. I had no idea I would actually have to go with them. She scratched me up pretty damn bad. I have bite marks and digged in...
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Huh. Scary. I hope she's alright.
I'm trying to get rid of this clinically depressed girl I live with who I once considered a girlfriend. Its tough when you live with someone and it's not working out. It's tougher when they're clinically depressed and it's not working out. The toughest part of it all is, as usual, that there is still this whole "fucking" thing. So at the end of the...
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Wow....that sounds like one tough vicious cycle. I definatly don't envy you. Doesn't she have any family you could ship her off to?

Oh...and I love that first shot in your pics section.

[Edited on Oct 18, 2003 5:41PM]
Working too much. Need a break. Sundance sent me a nice letter typed on $3 paper that said "We regret to inform you...", that my script was rejected. I never actually thought it would get in but I entertained the idea, sent the thing in, paid the processing fee and awaited the rejection. It's called jumping into the water, I think. At least I can...
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The fact that you were brave and ambitious enough to write a script and send it to Sundance makes me think you are way too cool for me. I shouldn't even be allowed to comment on your journal. I'll go now...
Hey, I really hope that you don't give up. 2 years is a long time! I used to want to be a writer or director but now I focus on art because I have more control over it. Good luck-fighting the system and anything else that you have your mind set on. biggrin P.S. Do you like 8 bit the robot rap band? If so, that is my friend's band! If not, they have more competition! eeek robot